
A Framework for the Delivery of Palliative Care for Children and Young People in Scotland

The Framework sets out a safe, effective and person centred approach to palliative care for children and young people. It is supported by guidance for services and provides a self assessment tool.

Appendix 1 Membership SCYPPEx

Robert McWilliam

Consultant Paediatric Neurologist Yorkhill, Representing RCPCH in Scotland, Chair of SCYPPEx

Dermot Murphy

Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Yorkhill

Rosalie Wilkie

Lead Clinician for Palliative Care, MSN for Children and Young People with Cancer

Katrina McNamara- Goodger

Head of Policy for Together for Short Lives (previously ACT)

Karen Sinclair

Palliative Care Nurse Consultant, West of Scotland

Jayne Scotland

Palliative Care Nurse Consultant, South East of Scotland

Deirdre McCormick

Scottish Government Lead Nurse Children, Young People and Vulnerable Families

Jane Reid

AHP Lead for Children and Young People

Patricia Jackson

Consultant Paediatrician and Lead Clinician for CEN

Jean Davies

Secretary SPENS, Senior Paediatric Nurse, Children's Services, Ayrshire and Arran

Annie Ingram

Regional Planning Director for NOSPG

Patrick Carragher

Chair of SCYPPN, Medical Director, CHAS

Maria McGill

Chief Executive, CHAS

Mark Hazelwood

Chief Executive, SPPC


Email: Fiona McKinlay

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