Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics 2011-12

This statistical bulletin presents national level information on activity relating to community penalties in Scotland, including Criminal Justice Social Work Reports and “social work orders” - made up of Community Payback Orders (CPOs), the predecessors to CPOs (Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Supervised Attendance Orders) and Drug Treatment & Testing Orders.

Table 10 Number of CPOs commenced with an offender supervision requirement : Breakdown by length of requirements, 2011-12

(see notes 1 and 2)

Total CPOs commenced with an offender supervision requirement 6,354
Length of offender supervision requirement:
6 months or less 538
More than 6 months but less than 12 months 253
12 months 2,927
More than 12 months but less than 18 months 373
18 months 1,202
More than 18 months but less than 24 months 136
24 months 740
More than 24 months but less than 36 months 103
36 months 82
Total length (months) of all offender supervision requirements 92,745
Average length (months) of all offender supervision requirements 14.6

1. This table includes all CPOs imposed in 2011-12 where an offender supervision requirement was part of the order, either when it was first imposed or if it was added to the order later in 2011-12.
2. Where an amendment is made to the length of an offender supervision requirement in the period after its original imposition, the most recent length is counted.


Email: Howard Hooper

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