
Annual State of the NHSScotland Assets and Facilities Report for 2012

A review of asset and facilities management performance in NHSScotland, identifying the current state of the estate and facilities management, highlighting areas of best practice and areas for improvement.


1. References to Special NHS Boards should be read to include NHS National Services Scotland, which is the common name for the Common Services Agency.

2. NHS Estates 2010-11 energy data provides an average value for NHS England of approximately 423 kWh/m2 (58GJ/100m3)

3. Energy costs do not remain static and have shown a tendency to increase year on year. Therefore, all cost and cost saving values will change over time.

4. Hospitals, as defined in section 108 of the National Health (Scotland) Act 1978(b), and businesses producing less than 50kg of food waste per week, are exempt from this requirement between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2015


Email: James H White

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