Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics 2011-12

Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics is an annual publication that provides a comprehensive overview of Scottish Local Authority financial activity. The publication covers Local Authority income, revenue and capital expenditure, outstanding debt, local taxation and Local Authority pensions.

ANNEX J - Capital Receipts by Service, 2011-12

£ thousands

Sale & Disposal of fixed assets
Education 20,177
Pre-primary education 487
Primary education 3,130
Secondary education 12,550
Special education 3,961
Community Learning 49
Cultural and related services 746
Tourism 3
Recreation and Sport 592
Libraries 137
Museums and art galleries 0
Other culture and heritage 14
Social work 3,477
Children 768
Older people 1,869
Adults with learning disabilities 0
Adults with mental health needs 621
Other Adults Services 219
Police and fire 4,926
Police 3,532
Fire 1,394
Roads and transport 6,087
Roads 808
Network and traffic management 68
Bridges 36
Parking Services 5,078
Rail 0
Other Public Transport 97
Environmental services 611
Crematoria and burial grounds 95
Coast protection 0
Flood prevention 16
Environmental Health 131
Waste collection and disposal 369
Planning and economic development 13,962
Planning 5,164
Environmental Initiatives 8
Economic development 8,790
Non-HRA Housing 344
Trading Services 1
Fishery Harbours, Markets, Commercial Ports, Piers & Harbours 1
Shipping, Airports, Transport Piers & Ferry Terminals 0
Toll Bridges 0
Other Services 15,663
Total General Fund Services 65,994
Housing Revenue Account 46,326
All services 112,320


Email: Bruce Golding

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