
See Hear: A strategic framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland

A strategic framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland

Appendix 1

Timescales for implementation of Recommendations


0-2 years


2-5 years


5-10 years


Audit of spend

Undertake audit and initial analysis

Planning, consultation and implementation of any agreed changes in allocation of spend

Amendments as required


Basic sensory screening

Undertake analysis and draft proposals

Agree and implement

Monitor and amend as required


Sensory awareness training

Scope the need and scale of training and agree target groups, delivery methods and materials. Commence delivery




Local partnership work

Allocation of funding

Review of spend and efficacy

Review of locally developed care pathways

Review of sustainability plans

Continued review of activity, and further areas for action

Continued review of activity, and further areas for action


Local information

Agree requirements

Agree protocols for sharing across agencies

Implement, monitor, review and update as required

Monitor, review and update


Equality Act

Scoping of current situation and recommendations

Future actions as agreed

All recommendations will have initial work undertaken over the first 2 years,
and there is Scottish Government funding available to local partnerships for the first 2 years, and this will be used to assist in the work locally around Recommendation 4.

In subsequent years progress should be monitored and reviewed both at national and local level. It is expected that amendments will be made to actions agreed in the light of experience. The consolidation and integration phases will be undertaken in the context of available resource, but it is anticipated that areas will have been identified where any additional resource availability can be used to directly further the consolidation and integration phases.


Email: Peter Kelly

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