Drug Seizures by Scottish Police Forces, 2011-12

Drug seizures by Scottish police forces in 2011-12

Table 5a: The number1 of seizures of class C drugs made by police forces in Scotland by drug type, 2010-11


Drug Type Central Dumfries & Galloway Fife Grampian3 Lothian & Borders4 Northern Strathclyde Tayside Scotland
Anabolic Steroids - - - 13 NA - 5 2 20
Diazepam 172 79 126 171 489 134 2,117 247 3,535
GHB - - 1 - NA - - - 1
Ketamine - - - 3 NA 4 17 6 30
Other Benzodiazepines - 4 - - NA 1 - 28 33
Temazepam - 2 3 3 7 7 18 13 53
Other class C2 20 - 3 50 - 175 196 96 540
Total1 176 85 133 240 496 321 2,295 392 4,138


1. Seizures involving more than one type of drug are counted as a single seizure in the total number of seizures but are counted separately against each individual drug type involved. For more information please see Note 3.3.1.

2. Figures for 'class C drugs' include amineptine, which became controlled drugs on 28 March 2011.

3. The previously published number of seizures for Grampian Police for 2010-11 were based on Grampian Police Quarterly statistics. The revised figures for 2010-11 are drawn directly from Grampian Police's crime recording system and as such provide greater accuracy. The quantity of drugs seized have not been affected.

4. Lothian and Borders Police are unable to provide seizures figures for some drug types. For more information please see Note 3.3.6.


Email: Neil Henderson

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