Drug Seizures by Scottish Police Forces, 2011-12

Drug seizures by Scottish police forces in 2011-12

Table 4b: The number of seizures of class B drugs made by police forces in Scotland by drug type, 2011-12


Drug Type Central Dumfries & Galloway Fife Grampian Lothian & Borders3 Northern Strathclyde Tayside Scotland
Herbal Cannabis 216 343 290 803 1,439 547 5,479 474 9,591
Cannabis resin 389 210 445 608 864 702 5,918 642 9,778
Cannabis plants 44 14 117 67 238 38 565 66 1,149
Total Cannabis1 649 567 852 1,478 2,541 1,287 10,736 1,182 19,292
Amphetamines 39 20 80 66 113 148 432 86 984
Barbiturates - - - - NA - - - -
Mephedrone 9 3 2 30 NA 47 23 75 189
Other class B2 1 2 11 17 33 18 30 25 137
Total1 698 592 945 1,591 2,687 1,500 11,072 1,368 20,453


1. Seizures involving more than one type of drug are counted as a single seizure in the total number of seizures but are counted separately against each individual drug type involved. For more information please see Note 3.3.1.

2. Figures for 'other class B drugs' include cathinone-based drugs excluding mephedrone, which became controlled drugs on 16 April 2010, though some were already controlled as class C drugs.

3. Lothian and Borders Police are unable to provide seizures figures for some drug types. For more information please see Note 3.3.6.


Email: Neil Henderson

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