Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2012

Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2012

Table 11b: Visitor Permits1 - number of applications from EC and non-EC residents by police force area, Scotland, as at 31 December 2012


Police Force Area Applications Total Applications
EC Residents Non-EC Residents
Firearms Shotguns Firearms Shotguns Firearms Shotguns
Central 54 5 - 6 54 11
Dumfries & Galloway 96 185 8 27 104 212
Fife 50 236 2 6 52 242
Grampian 248 381 35 46 283 427
Lothian & Borders 125 194 2 71 127 265
Northern 660 801 90 97 750 898
Strathclyde 393 176 3 5 396 181
Tayside 243 1,381 12 84 255 1,465
Scotland 1,869 3,359 152 342 2,021 3,701


1. For further information on Visitor Permits please see Notes 4.6.1 and 4.6.2.


Email: Neil Henderson

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