
Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2011/12

Statistics on the percentage and number of children, working age adults and pensioners living in low income households in Scotland, and the distribution of household income across Scotland.

Table A6: Median equivalised weekly household income in Scotland: 1994/95 to 2011/12 (2011/12 prices)

Before Housing Costs After Housing Costs
94/95 352 300
95/96 350 293
96/97 362 304
97/98 376 318
98/99 378 322
99/00 390 331
00/01 396 341
01/02 414 359
02/03 418 373
03/04 437 397
04/05 441 399
05/06 441 403
06/07 438 397
07/08 447 411
08/09 454 415
09/10 461 416
10/11 437 391
11/12 436 383

Source: HBAI dataset, DWP.


Email: Stephen Smith

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