
Recorded Crime in Scotland 2012-13

Recorded Crime in Scotland for 2012-13

6. Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

6.1 The preceding sections of this bulletin describe the volume and types of crime recorded and cleared up by the eight police forces in Scotland during 2012-13. The recorded crime bulletin series is generally a useful indicator of trends in recorded crime. However, not all crimes are reported to the police and the propensity of the public to report crime to the police also changes over time.

6.2 Crime surveys can be a useful source of information by providing a fuller picture of both the extent of, and the trends in, most types of household and personal victimisation. The information provided by such surveys complements the information compiled by the police forces, as well as exploring other issues such as the impact of crime on victims, public anxieties and reactions to crime and attitudes towards the police and other parts of the criminal justice system.

6.3 Findings from the 2010-11 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS), which asked about crimes and offences experienced between the beginning of April 2010 and the end of March 2011 are available at:

Estimates derived from the 2010-11 SCJS suggest that around 874,000 crimes were committed against individuals and private households in Scotland between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011. This is 16% lower than estimated in 2008-09. The estimate for 2010-11 suggests that nearly one in five adults (18%) had been the victim of at least one household or personal crime.

According to the survey, 75% of crimes experienced in 2010-11 were against property with property vandalism accounting for one in three (32%) of all crimes recorded. 25% of crimes were committed against individuals, with 24% involving assaults and 1% involving robbery.

The 2010-11 survey estimates that 39% of crimes captured by the survey came to the attention of the police. This is higher than the rate of 37% estimated in 2009-10. Where the incident had not been reported to the police, the main reasons given were that the incident was too trivial (40% of unreported incidents), police could not have done anything about it (29%), and police would not be interested (13%).

Results from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2012-13 are due to be available in November 2013. The results will be representative at national level and at the level of the eight police forces in Scotland. The findings from the survey will be used by policy makers across the public sector in Scotland to help understand the nature of crime in Scotland, target resources and monitor the impact of initiatives to target crime.

For more information about the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, please contact Nic Krzyzanowski : telephone 0131 244 0824 or e-mail

Table 1: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Crime group 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 % change 11-12 to 12-13
Total Crimes 414,214 438,123 417,785 419,257 385,509 377,433 338,124 323,247 314,188 273,053 -13
Non-sexual crimes of violence 15,187 14,728 13,726 14,099 12,874 12,612 11,228 11,438 9,533 7,530 -21
Homicide1 149 165 121 159 142 134 106 122 121 91 -25
Attempted murder & serious assault2 7,365 7,603 7,030 7,345 6,711 6,472 5,621 5,493 4,693 3,643 -22
Robbery 4,161 3,736 3,553 3,578 3,064 2,963 2,496 2,557 2,244 1,832 -18
Other 3,512 3,224 3,022 3,017 2,957 3,043 3,005 3,266 2,475 1,964 -21
Sexual offences3,4 6,785 7,325 6,558 6,726 6,552 6,331 6,527 6,696 7,361 7,693 5
Rape & attempted rape 1,037 1,109 1,161 1,123 1,053 963 996 1,131 1,274 1,462 15
Sexual assault4 3,257 3,470 3,392 3,452 3,502 3,297 3,412 3,220 2,908 3,008 3
Offences associated with prostitution 1,249 1,458 730 779 682 765 661 576 567 534 -6
Other 1,242 1,288 1,275 1,372 1,315 1,306 1,458 1,769 2,612 2,689 3
Crimes of dishonesty 211,004 210,365 187,798 183,760 166,718 167,812 153,256 155,870 154,337 135,899 -12
Housebreaking5 36,432 34,959 31,319 30,580 25,443 25,496 23,774 25,017 24,222 21,515 -11
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 7,405 7,849 8,263 7,422 6,378 6,952 5,074 4,059 3,529 3,239 -8
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 26,839 20,403 16,453 16,060 15,217 13,649 10,173 9,495 8,988 6,159 -31
Theft of a motor vehicle 17,604 15,633 14,041 15,000 12,105 11,551 9,304 8,716 7,060 5,731 -19
Shoplifting 27,948 28,534 28,247 28,750 29,186 32,048 30,332 29,660 29,758 26,449 -11
Other theft 72,488 77,586 72,128 70,241 64,645 64,384 61,008 64,680 66,681 58,704 -12
Fraud 15,277 18,307 11,074 9,332 8,409 8,316 8,283 8,983 8,892 8,898 0
Other 7,011 7,094 6,273 6,375 5,335 5,416 5,308 5,260 5,207 5,204 0
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 103,732 128,566 127,889 129,734 118,025 109,430 93,443 82,020 75,201 59,479 -21
Fire-raising 4,163 4,698 4,856 4,976 4,635 4,651 4,244 3,966 3,755 3,066 -18
Vandalism etc. 99,569 123,868 123,033 124,758 113,390 104,779 89,199 78,054 71,446 56,413 -21
Other crimes 77,506 77,139 81,814 84,938 81,340 81,248 73,670 67,223 67,756 62,452 -8
Crimes against public justice 25,756 25,616 27,668 32,052 31,353 29,493 26,885 26,294 26,635 23,401 -12
Handling an offensive weapon 9,278 9,545 9,628 10,110 8,989 8,980 7,042 6,283 5,631 4,015 -29
Drugs 42,275 41,823 44,247 42,422 40,746 42,509 39,408 34,347 35,157 34,688 -1
Other 197 155 271 354 252 266 335 299 333 348 5


1. Includes Murder, and Culpable homicide, which includes Causing death by dangerous driving, Causing death by careless driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, Causing death by careless driving and Corporate homicide.

2. For the definition of Serious assault please see Note 7.9.

3. Implementation of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act will have an effect on comparability of breakdown of Sexual offences over time. For further information please see Note 3.7.

4. The totals of these categories for 2011-12 have been revised following the submission of amended data from Grampian Police.

5. Includes dwellings, non-dwellings and other premises.

Table 2: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Offence group 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 % change 11-12 to 12-13
Total offences1 615,836 638,538 599,858 605,467 570,171 558,122 561,709 528,335 542,315 543,768 0
Miscellaneous offences 180,963 214,302 219,491 232,373 224,256 226,821 230,971 209,967 210,401 203,421 -3
Common assault2 57,355 73,711 72,281 78,167 73,523 74,130 72,212 70,786 69,253 60,955 -12
Breach of the peace etc.3 77,883 89,920 89,615 93,387 90,301 91,198 85,239 68,555 71,058 70,075 -1
Drunkenness 7,534 7,234 6,984 6,664 6,702 6,045 5,722 5,765 5,744 5,618 -2
Other 38,191 43,437 50,611 54,155 53,730 55,448 67,798 64,861 64,346 66,773 4
Motor vehicle offences1 434,873 424,236 380,367 373,094 345,915 331,301 330,738 318,368 331,914 340,347 3
Dangerous and careless driving 12,036 13,062 12,956 13,601 12,964 11,519 11,073 9,839 9,853 10,530 7
Driving under the influence 11,571 11,061 11,257 11,704 10,697 9,800 8,504 7,563 7,445 6,433 -14
Speeding 199,213 210,120 167,724 162,929 137,206 117,256 113,523 114,129 125,221 128,936 3
Unlawful use of vehicle 99,526 76,676 75,120 73,058 73,655 68,554 63,259 53,769 53,877 53,142 -1
Vehicle defect offences 37,194 27,022 23,932 21,170 22,328 25,603 26,666 21,921 24,094 24,289 1
Other1 75,333 86,295 89,378 90,632 89,065 98,569 107,713 111,147 111,424 117,017 5


1. The totals of these categories for 2003-04 to 2011-12 have been revised following the submission of amended data from Grampian Police. For further information, please see note 7.5.

2. For the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Note 7.9.

3. Includes Breach of the peace, Threatening or abusive behaviour, Offence of stalking, Offensive behaviour at football and Threatening communications (Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012).

Table 3: Crimes and offences cleared up by the police as a percentage of those recorded, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2012-13

Crime / Offence group 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Total crimes 47 45 46 47 48 49 49 49 49 51
Non-sexual crimes of violence 58 59 59 60 62 64 67 72 75 79
Homicide1 99 99 99 100 99 100 106 99 97 104
Serious assault2 & attempted murder 59 60 60 60 61 62 66 70 74 78
Robbery 39 39 37 39 40 46 46 55 62 66
Other 79 79 81 83 84 84 85 87 90 91
Sexual offences3 77 75 75 74 71 68 66 66 67 68
Rape & attempted rape 75 69 72 67 70 61 57 55 57 62
Sexual assault 74 73 74 71 68 65 61 64 62 62
Offences associated with prostitution 100 99 99 98 98 99 97 97 96 96
Other 64 60 65 70 68 63 67 69 72 73
Crimes of dishonesty 39 37 37 38 38 39 38 37 37 38
Housebreaking4 27 25 26 26 26 24 25 25 24 25
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 35 30 37 37 32 38 31 23 22 19
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 20 18 15 17 15 17 17 17 17 20
Theft of a motor vehicle 38 37 37 41 44 43 44 43 45 48
Shoplifting 79 77 77 78 77 78 79 78 79 80
Other theft 22 20 21 21 21 21 21 20 21 21
Fraud 83 80 76 75 74 75 57 57 55 52
Other 85 79 79 78 82 79 73 74 74 72
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 23 21 23 25 25 25 26 25 25 27
Fire-raising 25 22 26 26 25 24 24 22 24 26
Vandalism etc. 23 21 23 25 25 25 26 25 25 27
Other crimes 99 98 98 99 98 98 98 98 98 98
Crimes against public justice 99 98 98 98 98 98 97 98 98 98
Handling an offensive weapon 98 97 97 97 96 96 96 96 97 97
Drugs 99 97 98 100 99 99 99 99 99 98
Other 74 73 85 85 89 89 90 89 89 94
Miscellaneous offences 90 83 84 84 84 83 84 83 84 86
Common assault5 78 69 70 71 71 70 70 70 71 73
Breach of the peace etc.6 94 88 90 90 90 89 88 87 87 88
Drunkenness 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 100
Other 96 94 93 92 92 91 92 91 93 94


1. Includes Murder, and Culpable homicide, which includes Causing death by dangerous driving, Causing death by careless driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, Causing death by careless driving and Corporate homicide.

2. For the definition of Serious assault please see Note 7.9.

3. Implementation of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act will have an effect on comparability of breakdown of Sexual offences over time. For further information please see Note 3.7.

4. Includes dwellings, non-dwellings and other premises.

5. For the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Note 7.9.

6. Includes Breach of the peace, Threatening or abusive behaviour, Offence of stalking, Offensive behaviour at football and Threatening communications (Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012).

Table 4a: Crimes and offences recorded by police force area, 2012-13

Crime / Offence group Central Dumfries & Galloway Fife Grampian Lothian & Borders Northern Strathclyde Tayside SCOTLAND
Total crimes 14,056 5,350 15,230 25,866 49,789 11,355 133,601 17,806 273,053
Non-sexual crimes of violence 347 109 327 496 1,464 406 3,966 415 7,530
Homicide1 6 2 2 8 10 10 45 8 91
Serious assault2 & attempted murder 174 60 180 244 577 214 2,013 181 3,643
Robbery 56 10 87 134 470 27 930 118 1,832
Other 111 37 58 110 407 155 978 108 1,964
Sexual Offences3 392 133 581 956 1,331 471 3,337 492 7,693
Rape & attempted rape 59 17 113 155 280 123 616 99 1,462
Sexual assault 162 44 236 352 540 220 1,251 203 3,008
Offences associated with prostitution 1 0 1 42 104 0 347 39 534
Other 170 72 231 407 407 128 1,123 151 2,689
Crimes of dishonesty 6,656 2,124 7,854 13,932 28,389 4,337 63,352 9,255 135,899
Housebreaking4 805 295 1,178 2,062 4,361 457 11,044 1,313 21,515
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 167 35 175 382 711 117 1,421 231 3,239
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 172 62 257 597 1,463 30 3,102 476 6,159
Theft of a motor vehicle 237 88 280 723 1,263 194 2,675 271 5,731
Shoplifting 1,269 437 1,878 2,308 4,926 852 12,440 2,339 26,449
Other theft 3,162 923 3,286 6,378 12,748 2,072 26,553 3,582 58,704
Fraud 545 221 453 934 1,811 407 3,917 610 8,898
Other 299 63 347 548 1,106 208 2,200 433 5,204
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 3,383 1,277 3,445 6,012 10,411 2,809 28,078 4,064 59,479
Fire-raising 198 46 161 390 469 73 1,566 163 3,066
Vandalism etc. 3,185 1,231 3,284 5,622 9,942 2,736 26,512 3,901 56,413
Other crimes 3,278 1,707 3,023 4,470 8,194 3,332 34,868 3,580 62,452
Crimes against public justice 1,548 656 1,455 1,739 3,549 1,348 11,922 1,184 23,401
Handling an offensive weapon 226 62 165 260 685 199 2,182 236 4,015
Drugs 1,486 945 1,375 2,461 3,931 1,782 20,554 2,154 34,688
Other 18 44 28 10 29 3 210 6 348
Total offences 41,422 21,014 22,931 48,211 65,544 27,740 283,636 33,270 543,768
Miscellaneous offences 9,917 3,701 9,824 18,061 22,695 8,871 120,721 9,631 203,421
Common assault5 3,621 1,232 4,138 7,367 9,862 3,141 27,067 4,527 60,955
Breach of the peace etc.6 3,998 1,631 2,993 6,868 8,837 3,731 39,026 2,991 70,075
Drunkenness 86 47 184 519 451 688 3,395 248 5,618
Other 2,212 791 2,509 3,307 3,545 1,311 51,233 1,865 66,773
Motor vehicle offences 31,505 17,313 13,107 30,150 42,849 18,869 162,915 23,639 340,347
Dangerous and careless driving 690 644 437 1,457 722 735 5,465 380 10,530
Driving under the influence 380 179 420 751 951 530 2,762 460 6,433
Speeding 16,078 9,202 5,416 15,273 15,043 10,367 42,060 15,497 128,936
Unlawful use of vehicle 3,056 1,409 2,563 5,871 10,281 2,012 25,619 2,331 53,142
Vehicle defect offences 7,565 1,882 768 1,827 1,326 2,596 7,001 1,324 24,289
Other 3,736 3,997 3,503 4,971 14,526 2,629 80,008 3,647 117,017
Total crimes and offences 55,478 26,364 38,161 74,077 115,333 39,095 417,237 51,076 816,821


1. Includes Murder, and Culpable homicide, which includes Causing death by dangerous driving, Causing death by careless driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, Causing death by careless driving and Corporate homicide.

2. For the definition of Serious assault please see Note 7.9.

3. Implementation of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act will have an effect on comparability of breakdown of Sexual offences over time. For further information please see Note 3.7.

4. Includes dwellings, non-dwellings and other premises.

5. For the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Note 7.9.

6. Includes Breach of the peace, Threatening or abusive behaviour, Offence of stalking, Offensive behaviour at football and Threatening communications (Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012).

Table 4b: Crimes and offences recorded by police force area per 10,000 population1, 2012-13

Crime / Offence group Central Dumfries & Galloway Fife Grampian Lothian & Borders Northern Strathclyde Tayside SCOTLAND
Total crimes 475 361 415 466 518 390 599 439 520
Non-sexual crimes of violence 12 7 9 9 15 14 18 10 14
Homicide2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Serious assault3 & attempted murder 6 4 5 4 6 7 9 4 7
Robbery 2 1 2 2 5 1 4 3 3
Other 4 2 2 2 4 5 4 3 4
Sexual Offences4 13 9 16 17 14 16 15 12 15
Rape & attempted rape 2 1 3 3 3 4 3 2 3
Sexual assault 5 3 6 6 6 8 6 5 6
Offences associated with prostitution 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 1
Other 6 5 6 7 4 4 5 4 5
Crimes of dishonesty 225 143 214 251 295 149 284 228 259
Housebreaking5 27 20 32 37 45 16 50 32 41
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 6 2 5 7 7 4 6 6 6
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 6 4 7 11 15 1 14 12 12
Theft of a motor vehicle 8 6 8 13 13 7 12 7 11
Shoplifting 43 30 51 42 51 29 56 58 50
Other theft 107 62 89 115 133 71 119 88 112
Fraud 18 15 12 17 19 14 18 15 17
Other 10 4 9 10 11 7 10 11 10
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 114 86 94 108 108 96 126 100 113
Fire-raising 7 3 4 7 5 3 7 4 6
Vandalism etc. 108 83 89 101 103 94 119 96 107
Other crimes 111 115 82 80 85 114 156 88 119
Crimes against public justice 52 44 40 31 37 46 53 29 45
Handling an offensive weapon 8 4 4 5 7 7 10 6 8
Drugs 50 64 37 44 41 61 92 53 66
Other 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
Total offences 1,400 1,419 624 868 681 953 1,272 820 1,035
Miscellaneous offences 335 250 267 325 236 305 542 237 387
Common assault6 122 83 113 133 103 108 121 112 116
Breach of the peace etc.7 135 110 81 124 92 128 175 74 133
Drunkenness 3 3 5 9 5 24 15 6 11
Other 75 53 68 60 37 45 230 46 127
Motor vehicle offences 1,065 1,169 357 543 445 648 731 583 648
Dangerous and careless driving 23 43 12 26 8 25 25 9 20
Driving under the influence 13 12 11 14 10 18 12 11 12
Speeding 543 622 147 275 156 356 189 382 245
Unlawful use of vehicle 103 95 70 106 107 69 115 57 101
Vehicle defect offences 256 127 21 33 14 89 31 33 46
Other 126 270 95 90 151 90 359 90 223
Total crimes and offences 1,875 1,781 1,039 1,334 1,199 1,343 1,872 1,259 1,554


1. Population estimates are as at mid-year 2011 from the National Records of Scotland. The mid-year 2012 population estimates, as well as revised mid-year 2011 population estimates, are scheduled for publication in August 2013. (

2. Includes Murder, and Culpable homicide, which includes Causing death by dangerous driving, Causing death by careless driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, Causing death by careless driving and Corporate homicide.

3. For the definition of Serious assault please see Note 7.9.

4. Implementation of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act will have an effect on comparability of breakdown of Sexual offences over time. For further information please see Note 3.7.

5. Includes dwellings, non-dwellings and other premises.

6. For the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Note 7.9.

7. Includes Breach of the peace, Threatening or abusive behaviour, Offence of stalking, Offensive behaviour at football and Threatening communications (Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012).

Table 5: Crimes and offences recorded per 10,000 population1, percentage change in total number recorded and percentage cleared up by police force area, 2012-13

Number & Percentage
  Central Dumfries & Galloway Fife Grampian Lothian & Borders Northern Strathclyde Tayside SCOTLAND
Total crimes 14,056 5,350 15,230 25,866 49,789 11,355 133,601 17,806 273,053
Total offences 41,422 21,014 22,931 48,211 65,544 27,740 283,636 33,270 543,768
Total crimes and offences 55,478 26,364 38,161 74,077 115,333 39,095 417,237 51,076 816,821
  Crimes and offences per 10,000 population
Total crimes 475 361 415 466 518 390 599 439 520
Non-sexual crimes of violence 12 7 9 9 15 14 18 10 14
Sexual offences 13 9 16 17 14 16 15 12 15
Crimes of dishonesty 225 143 214 251 295 149 284 228 259
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 114 86 94 108 108 96 126 100 113
Other crimes 111 115 82 80 85 114 156 88 119
Total offences 1,400 1,419 624 868 681 953 1,272 820 1,035
Miscellaneous offences 335 250 267 325 236 305 542 237 387
Motor vehicle offences 1,065 1,169 357 543 445 648 731 583 648
Total crimes and offences 1,875 1,781 1,039 1,334 1,199 1,343 1,872 1,259 1,554
  Percentage change in total number recorded, 2011-12 to 2012-13
Total crimes -14 -11 -15 -12 -13 -16 -14 -6 -13
Non-sexual crimes of violence -12 -14 -6 -20 -20 -16 -24 -19 -21
Sexual offences -20 -11 0 -6 -2 33 13 7 5
Crimes of dishonesty -14 -7 -14 -10 -10 -17 -14 -1 -12
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. -22 -23 -22 -12 -24 -21 -23 -8 -21
Other crimes -1 -6 -10 -16 -10 -15 -5 -16 -8
Total offences 13 -7 -11 -8 -10 4 5 -6 0
Miscellaneous offences -5 -7 -8 -3 -4 -6 -2 -8 -3
Motor vehicle offences 20 -7 -12 -11 -13 9 11 -5 3
Total crimes and offences 5 -8 -12 -9 -11 -3 -2 -6 -5
  Percentage cleared up
Total crimes 59 72 65 45 44 68 50 55 51
Non-sexual crimes of violence 96 94 89 77 70 95 77 88 79
Sexual offences 76 80 80 60 62 76 68 68 68
Crimes of dishonesty 49 58 57 32 35 53 34 46 38
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 36 57 48 30 22 49 20 32 27
Other crimes 98 99 99 97 96 99 98 98 98
Miscellaneous offences 87 91 93 73 76 91 88 84 86


1. Population estimates are as at mid-year 2011 from the National Records of Scotland. The mid-year 2012 population estimates, as well as revised mid-year 2011 population estimates, are scheduled for publication in August 2013. (

Table 6: Number of crimes recorded by the police and percentage cleared up by council area, 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Council area Non-sexual
crimes of violence
Sexual offences Crimes of dishonesty Fire-raising,
vandalism, etc.
Other crimes Total crimes Percentage of crimes cleared up
Aberdeen City 321 468 8,759 3,317 2,770 15,635 46
Aberdeenshire 110 329 3,737 1,816 1,080 7,072 40
Angus 91 106 1,778 1,196 660 3,831 53
Argyll & Bute 78 144 1,181 734 984 3,121 58
Clackmannanshire 89 64 1,044 756 617 2,570 60
Dumfries & Galloway 109 133 2,124 1,277 1,707 5,350 72
Dundee City 183 217 4,862 1,888 1,812 8,962 55
East Ayrshire 159 150 2,919 1,636 1,284 6,148 48
East Dunbartonshire 86 98 1,842 724 716 3,466 44
East Lothian 84 97 1,662 843 653 3,339 48
East Renfrewshire 43 71 1,355 616 454 2,539 37
Edinburgh, City of 995 774 19,262 5,537 4,742 31,310 42
Eilean Siar 28 66 228 179 181 682 76
Falkirk 156 231 3,502 1,672 1,738 7,299 61
Fife 327 581 7,854 3,445 3,023 15,230 65
Glasgow City 1,763 1,452 26,011 8,882 15,104 53,212 52
Highland 344 317 3,817 2,362 2,867 9,707 67
Inverclyde 138 65 1,620 1,057 1,321 4,201 52
Midlothian 104 107 2,040 1,052 712 4,015 47
Moray 65 159 1,436 879 620 3,159 47
North Ayrshire 219 166 3,858 2,064 1,400 7,707 43
North Lanarkshire 478 341 8,223 4,332 4,603 17,977 51
Orkney Islands 14 49 155 110 108 436 69
Perth & Kinross 141 169 2,615 980 1,108 5,013 56
Renfrewshire 298 227 4,454 1,949 2,293 9,221 46
Scottish Borders 79 97 1,357 935 711 3,179 57
Shetland Islands 20 39 137 158 176 530 77
South Ayrshire 144 184 2,687 1,189 1,017 5,221 50
South Lanarkshire 341 307 6,707 3,492 3,842 14,689 47
Stirling 102 97 2,110 955 923 4,187 56
West Dunbartonshire 219 132 2,495 1,403 1,850 6,099 57
West Lothian 202 256 4,068 2,044 1,376 7,946 45
SCOTLAND 7,530 7,693 135,899 59,479 62,452 273,053 51

Table 7: Number of crimes recorded by the police per 10,000 population1 and crime index, by council area, 2012-13

Number and Index
Council area Non-sexual
crimes of violence
Sexual offences Crimes of dishonesty Fire-raising,
vandalism, etc.
Other crimes Total crimes Index
(Scotland = 100)
Aberdeen City 15 21 397 150 126 709 137
Aberdeenshire 4 13 151 73 44 286 55
Angus 8 10 161 108 60 346 67
Argyll & Bute 9 16 132 82 110 348 67
Clackmannanshire 18 13 206 149 122 506 97
Dumfries & Galloway 7 9 143 86 115 361 70
Dundee City 13 15 334 130 124 616 118
East Ayrshire 13 12 243 136 107 511 98
East Dunbartonshire 8 9 176 69 68 331 64
East Lothian 9 10 169 86 67 340 65
East Renfrewshire 5 8 151 69 51 283 54
Edinburgh, City of 20 16 389 112 96 632 122
Eilean Siar 11 25 87 69 69 262 50
Falkirk 10 15 227 108 113 473 91
Fife 9 16 214 94 82 415 80
Glasgow City 29 24 434 148 252 889 171
Highland 15 14 172 106 129 437 84
Inverclyde 17 8 204 133 167 530 102
Midlothian 13 13 248 128 86 487 94
Moray 7 18 165 101 71 362 70
North Ayrshire 16 12 286 153 104 570 110
North Lanarkshire 15 10 252 133 141 550 106
Orkney Islands 7 24 77 55 54 216 42
Perth & Kinross 9 11 175 66 74 335 65
Renfrewshire 17 13 261 114 134 540 104
Scottish Borders 7 9 120 83 63 281 54
Shetland Islands 9 17 61 70 78 236 45
South Ayrshire 13 16 241 107 91 468 90
South Lanarkshire 11 10 215 112 123 470 90
Stirling 11 11 232 105 102 461 89
West Dunbartonshire 24 15 276 155 205 675 130
West Lothian 12 15 235 118 80 459 88
SCOTLAND 14 15 259 113 119 520 100


1. Population estimates are as at mid-year 2011 from the National Records of Scotland. The mid-year 2012 population estimates, as well as revised mid-year 2011 population estimates, are scheduled for publication in August 2013. (

Table 8: Number of crimes recorded by the police, rate per 10,000 population1 and index of rate for selected crimes by council area, 2012-13

  Number Rate per 10,000 population1 Index of rate per 10,000 population1
Council area Serious assault2 Offensive weapons Domestic housebreaking3 Vandalism4 All crimes Serious assault2 Offensive weapons Domestic housebreaking3 Vandalism4 All crimes Serious assault2 Offensive weapons Domestic housebreaking3 Vandalism4 All crimes
Aberdeen City 131 130 871 2,874 15,635 6 6 40 130 709 95 77 133 128 137
Aberdeenshire 54 94 509 1,629 7,072 2 4 21 66 286 35 50 69 64 55
Angus 32 43 146 1,113 3,831 3 4 13 101 346 46 51 44 98 67
Argyll & Bute 34 54 136 656 3,121 4 6 15 73 348 61 79 51 72 67
Clackmannanshire 28 59 117 711 2,570 6 12 23 140 506 88 152 77 137 97
Dumfries & Galloway 47 62 232 1,162 5,350 3 4 16 78 361 51 55 53 77 70
Dundee City 63 128 601 1,715 8,962 4 9 41 118 616 69 115 139 115 118
East Ayrshire 75 71 383 1,501 6,148 6 6 32 125 511 100 77 107 122 98
East Dunbartonshire 58 59 312 651 3,466 6 6 30 62 331 89 74 100 61 64
East Lothian 45 66 166 769 3,339 5 7 17 78 340 73 88 57 77 65
East Renfrewshire 10 22 229 560 2,539 1 2 25 62 283 18 32 86 61 54
Edinburgh, City of 313 340 2,307 5,046 31,310 6 7 47 102 632 101 90 156 100 122
Eilean Siar 16 8 3 161 682 6 3 1 62 262 98 40 4 60 50
Falkirk 60 96 303 1,485 7,299 4 6 20 96 473 62 81 66 94 91
Fife 160 165 873 3,153 15,230 4 4 24 86 415 70 59 80 84 80
Glasgow City 787 985 2,986 7,840 53,212 13 16 50 131 889 210 215 167 128 171
Highland 163 167 265 2,233 9,707 7 8 12 100 437 117 98 40 98 84
Inverclyde 89 70 254 978 4,201 11 9 32 123 530 179 116 108 121 102
Midlothian 45 60 228 960 4,015 5 7 28 117 487 87 95 93 114 94
Moray 27 36 131 796 3,159 3 4 15 91 362 49 54 50 89 70
North Ayrshire 100 67 500 1,909 7,707 7 5 37 141 570 118 65 124 138 110
North Lanarkshire 263 251 939 3,870 17,977 8 8 29 118 550 129 101 96 116 106
Orkney Islands 6 9 4 107 436 3 4 2 53 216 48 58 7 52 42
Perth & Kinross 46 65 242 896 5,013 3 4 16 60 335 49 57 54 59 65
Renfrewshire 139 146 585 1,774 9,221 8 9 34 104 540 130 112 115 102 104
Scottish Borders 37 59 146 885 3,179 3 5 13 78 281 52 68 43 77 54
Shetland Islands 8 15 2 153 530 4 7 1 68 236 57 87 3 67 45
South Ayrshire 81 55 356 1,098 5,221 7 5 32 98 468 116 65 107 96 90
South Lanarkshire 158 276 885 3,171 14,689 5 9 28 101 470 81 116 95 99 90
Stirling 39 71 183 860 4,187 4 8 20 95 461 69 102 68 93 89
West Dunbartonshire 84 126 311 1,157 6,099 9 14 34 128 675 149 183 116 125 130
West Lothian 91 160 451 1,826 7,946 5 9 26 106 459 84 121 88 103 88
SCOTLAND 3,289 4,015 15,656 53,699 273,053 6 8 30 102 520 100 100 100 100 100


1. Population estimates are as at mid-year 2011 from the National Records of Scotland. The mid-year 2012 population estimates, as well as revised mid-year 2011 population estimates, are scheduled for publication in August 2013. (

2. For the definition of Serious assault please see Note 7.9.

3. Includes dwellings and non-dwellings only.

4. Includes Vandalism, Malicious damage and Malicious mischief only.

Table A1: Crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police, Scotland, 2008-09 to 2012-13

  2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Police strength at end financial year
(full-time equivalent - FTE)
17,048 17,409 17,263 17,436 17,496
Number of crimes recorded1 377,433 338,124 323,247 314,188 273,053
Crimes recorded per 1,000 population2 73 65 62 60 52
Crimes recorded per FTE police officer 22 19 19 18 16
Number of crimes cleared up 184,719 166,680 156,943 155,264 140,083
Crimes cleared up per FTE police officer 11 10 9 9 8
Number of offences recorded3 558,122 561,709 528,335 542,315 543,768
Offences recorded per 1,000 population2 108 108 101 103 103
Offences recorded per FTE police officer 33 32 31 31 31
Number of offences cleared up3 518,629 522,896 490,680 507,818 509,786
Offences cleared up per FTE police officer 30 30 28 29 29


1. The totals of these categories for 2011-12 have been revised following the submission of amended data from Grampian Police.

2. Population estimates are as at mid-year 2011 from the National Records of Scotland. The mid-year 2012 population estimates, as well as revised mid-year 2011 population estimates, are scheduled for publication in August 2013. (

3. The totals of these categories for 2008-09 to 2011-12 have been revised following the submission of amended data from Grampian Police.

Table A2: Sexual offences1 recorded by the police, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Sexual offences 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 % change 11-12 to 12-13
Rape & attempted rape 1,037 1,109 1,161 1,123 1,053 963 996 1,131 1,274 1,462 15
Rape 845 900 975 922 908 821 884 997 1,183 1,372 16
Attempted rape 192 209 186 201 145 142 112 134 91 90 -1
Sexual assault2 3,257 3,470 3,392 3,452 3,502 3,297 3,412 3,220 2,908 3,008 3
Sexual assault including against children 1,467 1,542 1,557 1,714 1,721 1,681 1,737 1,774 2,056 2,166 5
Lewd and libidinous practices2 1,790 1,928 1,835 1,738 1,781 1,616 1,675 1,446 852 842 -1
Offences associated with prostitution3 1,249 1,458 730 779 682 765 661 576 567 534 -6
Offences relating to prostitution 1,216 1,391 684 718 525 533 418 353 344 348 1
Soliciting services of person engaged in prostitution3 - - - - 101 172 162 154 149 133 -11
Brothel keeping 12 11 11 18 27 24 34 21 36 28 -22
Immoral traffic 14 47 27 17 16 21 36 33 26 14 -46
Procuration 7 9 8 26 13 15 11 15 12 11 -8
Other4,5 1,242 1,288 1,275 1,372 1,315 1,306 1,458 1,769 2,612 2,689 3
Other sexually coercive conduct4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 155 660 823 25
Other sexual offences involving 13-15 year old children 245 277 316 436 394 370 445 441 516 429 -17
Taking, distribution, possession etc. of indecent photos of children5 * * * * * * 69 225 375 595 59
Incest 36 27 29 19 18 19 49 17 18 16 -11
Illegal homosexual acts 152 117 98 84 87 97 74 118 46 45 -2
Indecent exposure 803 858 816 817 786 786 766 742 894 680 -24
Other sexual offences 6 9 16 16 30 34 55 71 103 101 -2
Total Sexual offences1,2,3,4,5 6,785 7,325 6,558 6,726 6,552 6,331 6,527 6,696 7,361 7,693 5

- =The relevant legislation for this category was implemented in 2007-08.

~ =The relevant legislation for this category was implemented in 2010-11.

* = Crimes within this category were not separately identifiable before 2009-10.


1. Implementation of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act will have an effect on comparability of breakdown of sexual offences over time. For further information please see Note 3.7.

2. The totals of these categories for 2011-12 have been revised following the submission of amended data from Grampian Police.

3. Figures for 2007-08 has been amended since publication on 18 June due to an error.

4. Figures for 2010-11 has been amended since publication on 18 June due to an error. The figures for these categories in Table A3 are unaffected by this error.

5. Figures for 2009-10 has been amended since publication on 18 June due to an error. The figures for these categories in Table A3 are unaffected by this error.

Changes to Sexual offences from 1 December 2010

The implementation of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 on 1 December 2010 has had an effect on the breakdown of Sexual offences. Comparison over time of the statistics in Table A2 should therefore be treated with caution. A number of notable changes took place. Please note however that as the legislation came into place part way through the 2010-11 financial year the data for 2010-11 contains only 4 months of data using the new breakdowns.

  • From 1 December 2010 onwards, Sexual assault can be broken down into a number of more specific offences. A further breakdown of Sexual assault is provided in the Table A3 below.
  • Lewd and libidinous practices can also now be broken down into more specific offences, relating to children. Over time, we should see this category decrease and disappear altogether.
  • Historically, Rape related only to female victims, but the new legislation allows for the recording of male rape as Rape rather than Sexual assault.
  • Sexual intercourse with a girl under 16 is another category which in time will become obsolete as more specific Sexual assault categories will be used to record these crimes.
  • Indecent exposure now also includes crimes of Sexual exposure

Table A3: Further breakdown of sexual offences1 recorded by the police, Scotland, 2009-10 to 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Sexual offences 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 % change 11-12 to 12-13
Rape & attempted rape 996 1,131 1,274 1,462 15
Rape 884 997 1,183 1,372 16
Attempted rape 112 134 91 90 -1
Sexual assault2 3,412 3,220 2,908 3,008 3
Sexual assault committed prior to 1 December 2010 1,685 1,275 288 316 10
Sexual assault against an adult 16+ ~ 321 1,139 1,149 1
Sexual assault against a child aged 13-15 ~ 67 245 312 27
Sexual assault against a child under 13 52 111 384 389 1
Lewd and libidinous practices2 1,675 1,446 852 842 -1
Offences associated with prostitution 661 576 567 534 -6
Offences relating to prostitution 418 353 344 348 1
Soliciting services of person engaged in prostitution 162 154 149 133 -11
Brothel keeping 34 21 36 28 -22
Immoral traffic 36 33 26 14 -46
Procuration 11 15 12 11 -8
Other 1,458 1,769 2,612 2,689 3
Other sexually coercive conduct against an adult 16+ ~ 53 247 339 37
Other sexually coercive conduct against a child aged 13-15 ~ 48 181 256 41
Other sexually coercive conduct against a child under 13 ~ 54 232 228 -2
Other sexual offences involving 13-15 year old children 445 441 516 429 -17
Taking, distribution, possession etc. of indecent photos of children 69 225 375 595 59
Incest 49 17 18 16 -11
Illegal homosexual acts 74 118 46 45 -2
Indecent exposure 766 742 894 680 -24
Other sexual offences2 55 71 103 101 -2
Total Sexual offences1 6,527 6,696 7,361 7,693 5

~ =The relevant legislation for this category was implemented in 2010-11.


1. Implementation of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act will have some effect on comparability of breakdown of sexual offences over time.

For further information please see Note 3.7.

2. The totals of these categories for 2011-12 have been revised following the submission of amended data from Grampian Police.

Table A4: Theft by Housebreaking (including attempts and housebreaking 'with intent'), 2003-04 to 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Crime category 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 % change 11-12 to 12-13
Domestic: 24,646 23,613 21,232 20,429 17,465 17,223 16,727 17,657 17,375 15,656 -10
Dwelling 18,231 17,368 15,135 14,523 12,437 12,133 11,790 12,633 12,198 10,767 -12
Non-dwelling 6,415 6,245 6,097 5,906 5,028 5,090 4,937 5,024 5,177 4,889 -6
Other 11,786 11,346 10,087 10,151 7,978 8,273 7,047 7,360 6,847 5,859 -14
Total Housebreaking 36,432 34,959 31,319 30,580 25,443 25,496 23,774 25,017 24,222 21,515 -11
Percentage Domestic 68% 68% 68% 67% 69% 68% 70% 71% 72% 73%  

Table A5: Theft of and from motor vehicles recorded by the police, 2003-04 to 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Crime category 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 % change 11-12 to 12-13
Theft from motor vehicle of which: 34,474 27,921 23,569 22,858 21,944 20,825 17,075 16,531 16,906 13,323 -21
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 20,287 15,012 12,162 11,519 11,181 9,847 7,400 6,795 6,386 4,404 -31
OLP with intent to steal 4,424 3,367 2,634 2,882 2,695 2,613 1,812 1,793 1,792 1,198 -33
Attempted theft OLP 2,128 2,024 1,657 1,659 1,341 1,189 961 907 810 557 -31
Other theft 7,635 7,518 7,116 6,798 6,727 7,176 6,902 7,036 7,918 7,164 -10
Theft of motor vehicle 14,011 12,339 11,317 11,820 9,864 9,407 7,706 7,325 6,087 5,149 -15
Attempted theft of motor vehicle 3,593 3,294 2,724 3,180 2,241 2,144 1,598 1,391 973 582 -40
Total Motor vehicle theft 52,078 43,554 37,610 37,858 34,049 32,376 26,379 25,247 23,966 19,054 -20

Table A6: Crimes of Handling offensive weapons recorded by the police, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Crime category 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 % change 11-12 to 12-13
Possession of an offensive weapon 5,469 5,794 5,982 6,189 5,398 4,892 3,839 3,248 2,820 1,863 -34
Restriction of an offensive weapon 4 2 3 1 3 8 9 20 19 17 -11
Having in a public place an article with a blade or point 3,805 3,749 3,643 3,920 3,588 4,080 3,194 3,015 2,792 2,135 -24
Total Handling an offensive weapon 9,278 9,545 9,628 10,110 8,989 8,980 7,042 6,283 5,631 4,015 -29

Table A7: Drug crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 2003-04 to 2012-13

Number & Percentage
Crime category 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 % change 11-12 to 12-13
Illegal importation of drugs 4 1 23 9 9 9 17 30 19 24 26
Illegal cultivation of drugs 249 254 297 437 490 609 753 964 1,242 1,251 1
Possession of drugs with intent to supply 9,284 9,078 9,293 10,444 9,328 9,697 9,131 6,144 5,423 3,861 -29
Possession of drugs 32,463 32,268 34,440 31,329 30,559 31,805 29,179 26,960 28,326 29,150 3
Drugs, other offences, money laundering 275 222 194 203 360 389 328 249 147 402 173
Total Drug crimes 42,275 41,823 44,247 42,422 40,746 42,509 39,408 34,347 35,157 34,688 -1

Table A8: Racially aggravated offences (including harassment and conduct) by police force area, 2008-09 to 2012-13

  2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Police force area Racially aggravated harassment Racially aggravated conduct Total Racially aggravated harassment Racially aggravated conduct Total Racially aggravated harassment Racially aggravated conduct Total Racially aggravated harassment Racially aggravated conduct Total Racially aggravated harassment Racially aggravated conduct Total
Central 3 351 354 2 218 220 2 248 250 2 239 241 5 228 233
Dumfries & Galloway 1 17 18 1 24 25 1 31 32 0 24 24 0 28 28
Fife 0 193 193 0 190 190 0 185 185 0 188 188 0 166 166
Grampian 9 545 554 16 523 539 12 495 507 10 371 381 3 322 325
Lothian & Borders 150 896 1,046 81 1,056 1,137 44 880 924 25 811 836 17 658 675
Northern 1 93 94 4 82 86 5 73 78 7 85 92 6 73 79
Strathclyde 258 1,772 2,030 207 1,885 2,092 188 1,856 2,044 124 1,452 1,576 119 1,153 1,272
Tayside 3 272 275 2 222 224 5 148 153 3 145 148 5 120 125
Scotland 425 4,139 4,564 313 4,200 4,513 257 3,916 4,173 171 3,315 3,486 155 2,748 2,903



Email: Jan Young

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