
Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2012-13

This bulletin provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2013. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded. Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2013 are presented and notifications of households at risk of homelessness due to eviction/repossession.

Table 6a

Homeless assessments by local authority area in each year

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
All Homeless Priority homeless All Homeless Priority homeless All Homeless Priority homeless
Number Number % Number Number % Number Number %
Scotland 41,957 36,847 88 35,711 32,481 91 31,964 30,583 96
Aberdeen City 2,033 1,677 82 1,225 1,043 85 1,191 1,117 94
Aberdeenshire 1,389 1,248 90 1,239 1,088 88 1,051 1,011 96
Angus 992 992 100 970 970 100 698 698 100
Argyll & Bute 626 559 89 456 412 90 353 353 100
Clackmannanshire 585 512 88 537 500 93 362 349 96
Dumfries & Galloway 910 832 91 783 754 96 748 747 100
Dundee City 1,335 1,335 100 1,256 1,256 100 1,163 1,163 100
East Ayrshire 667 601 90 552 490 89 409 409 100
East Dunbartonshire 465 399 86 450 383 85 358 333 93
East Lothian 938 593 63 682 463 68 589 476 81
East Renfrewshire 242 198 82 202 195 97 232 232 100
Edinburgh 4,537 3,757 83 4,359 3,604 83 4,172 3,652 88
Eilean Siar 158 132 84 138 96 70 120 105 88
Falkirk 1,780 1,492 84 1,032 932 90 817 731 89
Fife 3,164 2,672 84 2,716 2,330 86 2,245 2,126 95
Glasgow City 7,391 6,791 92 6,320 6,090 96 5,955 5,921 99
Highland 1,730 1,502 87 1,108 969 87 858 812 95
Inverclyde 385 370 96 324 319 98 256 256 100
Midlothian 530 468 88 667 608 91 665 659 99
Moray 503 367 73 372 372 100 398 398 100
North Ayrshire 672 656 98 630 630 100 573 573 100
North Lanarkshire 1,921 1,564 81 1,681 1,353 80 1,685 1,466 87
Orkney 98 97 99 113 113 100 84 84 100
Perth & Kinross 970 900 93 792 770 97 732 732 100
Renfrewshire 974 951 98 963 963 100 841 841 100
Scottish Borders 659 478 73 402 392 98 497 497 100
Shetland 147 127 86 156 144 92 109 109 100
South Ayrshire 675 613 91 697 670 96 649 649 100
South Lanarkshire 2,323 2,006 86 1,962 1,789 91 1,770 1,700 96
Stirling 473 448 95 396 396 100 319 319 100
West Dunbartonshire 1,187 1,164 98 1,169 1,169 100 998 998 100
West Lothian 1,498 1,346 90 1,362 1,218 89 1,067 1,067 100

Note:- All homeless and priority homeless assessment decisions include households assessed as threatened with homelessness


Email: Housing Access and Support Statistics

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