
Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2012-13

This bulletin provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2013. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded. Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2013 are presented and notifications of households at risk of homelessness due to eviction/repossession.

Table 6c

Assessment decision by main reason for application: Scotland: 2011-12 and 2012-13

2011-12 2012-13
Priority homeless Non-priority homeless Assessed as not homeless Lost contact, withdrew etc All assessments Priority homeless Non-priority homeless Assessed as not homeless Lost contact, withdrew etc All assessments
All reasons 32,481 3,229 3,000 7,415 46,125 30,583 1,381 2,192 5,876 40,032
Termination of tenancy / mortgage due to rent arrears / default on payments 1,443 187 204 320 2,154 1,582 72 167 282 2,103
Applicant terminated secure accommodation 567 94 58 106 825 539 34 52 98 723
Loss of service / tied accommodation 202 27 11 38 278 209 18 7 30 264
Discharge from prison / hospital / care / other institution 2,011 52 30 285 2,378 2,012 30 25 276 2,343
Emergency (fire, flood, storm, closing order from Environmental Health etc.) 162 2 45 62 271 189 1 20 56 266
Forced division and sale of matrimonial home 224 16 20 41 301 221 5 14 32 272
Other reason for loss of accommodation 1,861 194 180 418 2,653 1,951 90 104 320 2,465
Dispute within household: violent or abusive 4,109 36 161 657 4,963 3,636 10 129 584 4,359
Dispute within household / relationship breakdown: non-violent 5,505 872 416 1,330 8,123 5,079 374 269 1,075 6,797
Fleeing non-domestic violence 918 13 229 192 1,352 738 8 187 154 1,087
Harassment 607 20 182 113 922 546 7 164 110 827
Overcrowding 607 38 82 105 832 445 8 35 74 562
Asked to leave 8,200 1,174 665 2,062 12,101 7,658 520 489 1,718 10,385
Other reason for leaving accommodation / household 3,273 234 435 1,298 5,240 2,915 83 317 745 4,060
Other action by landlord resulting in the termination of the tenancy 2,792 270 282 388 3,732 2,863 121 213 322 3,519

Note:- All homeless and priority homeless assessment decisions include households assessed as threatened with homelessness


Email: Housing Access and Support Statistics

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