
Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2013

This publication aims to provide an easily accessible reference document which offers information on a wide range of environmental topics. It covers key datasets on the state of the environment in Scotland, with an emphasis on the trends over time wherever possible. The data are supplemented by text providing brief background information on environmental impacts, relevant legislation and performance against national and international targets.

Biodiversity - Footnotes

1) Vascular plants (sometimes referred to as higher plants) comprise ferns, flowering plants, shrubs and trees.

2) The changes in plant species richness in 10 of the most widespread broad habitats are displayed.

3) Norton, L. R., Murphy, J., Reynolds, B., Marks, S., Mackey, E.D. (2009). Countryside Survey: Scotland Results from 2007. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Scottish Government, Scottish Natural Heritage. Countryside Survey data owned by NERC - Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Countryside Survey. © Database Right/Copyright NERC- Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. All rights reserved.

4) Statistically significant change between 1998 and 2007, p < 0.05.

5) Because of rounding, percentages in the pie chart do not add up to 100.

6) Department of the Environment (1994). Biodiversity: the UK Action Plan. HMSO.

7) In 2007/08 an updated UK BAP priority list was published containing 1150 species and 65 habitats across the UK, of which 606 species and 60 habitats are in Scotland. The next assessment of this indicator (in 2011) will be based upon this updated list.

8) Including categories which are said to be fluctuating. The probable behaviour has been assumed true. These figures are calculated using the unrounded percentages.

9) UN Convention on Biological Diversity (2010). Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

10) European Commission (2011). EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020.

11) Scottish Government (2012). A Consultation on the 2020 Challenge for Scotland's Biodiversity.

12) This species has declined to such an extent it is now considered to be only an occasional breeder. None of the other trend categories adequately reflect this status.

13) The population of wintering water birds is measured in the winter beginning in the year indicated, i.e. 2003 indicates populations measured from approximately November 2003 - March 2004. Data displayed for wintering water birds is smoothed.

14) Includes grilse (salmon which have matured, or are about to mature, after one winter at sea).

15) Fixed engine fisheries operate in coastal areas. Net & coble fisheries are generally restricted to estuaries and the lower reaches of rivers. Rod & line fisheries cover recreational angling within river systems.

16) Since 1994, numbers of fish reported as caught and released by anglers have been reported separately. Prior to this, only numbers caught and retained are available. No figures for fishing effort for rod & line catches are available.

17) The provisional data published for 2012 indicate that fishing effort in fixed engine fisheries and net & coble fisheries were the fourth lowest and lowest, respectively, since records began in 1952. Also, catch in the fixed engine and net & coble fisheries were 5% and 1% of the maximum recorded in the respective time series.

18) Data for 2012 are provisional. Marine Scotland (2012). Provisional salmon fishery statistics - 2012.


Email: Callum Neil

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