
Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on Scotland Fire and Rescue Services workforce, stations, equipment, fire safety and attacks on Fire and Rescue Service personnel at incidents.

Table 12: Number of Home Fire Safety Visits (HFSV) in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

  Number Number
HFSV with alarms installed HFSV - advice only Total HFSV Smoke alarms installed during HFSV
Central 572 798 1,370 848
Dumfries and Galloway 754 261 1,015 953
Fife 2,697 1,713 4,410 5,689
Grampian 564 383 947 886
Highlands and Islands 1,933 2,380 4,313 3,491
Lothian and Borders 5,199 2,187 7,386 8,947
Strathclyde 10,994 10,144 21,138 18,384
Tayside 3,300 12,372 15,672 4,924
Scotland 26,013 30,238 56,251 44,122

Table 12a: Rate of Home Fire Safety Visits (HFSV) per thousand dwellings in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Number of HFSV Dwellings in 2012(1) HFSV per 1,000 Dwellings
Central 1,370 135,314 10.1
Dumfries and Galloway 1,015 73,224 13.9
Fife 4,410 170,881 25.8
Grampian 947 266,985 3.5
Highlands and Islands 4,313 148,672 29.0
Lothian and Borders 7,386 450,759 16.4
Strathclyde 21,138 1,071,205 19.7
Tayside 15,672 198,002 79.2
Scotland 56,251 2,515,042 22.4


(1) - information from NRS: Estimates of households and dwellings in Scotland, 2012


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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