
Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on Scotland Fire and Rescue Services workforce, stations, equipment, fire safety and attacks on Fire and Rescue Service personnel at incidents.

Table 1: Number of stations in Scotland as of 31 March 2012 and 2013

Fire and Rescue Service 31/03/2012 31/03/2013
Central 17 17
Dumfries and Galloway 18 18
Fife 13 13
Grampian1 40 40
Highlands and Islands 115 102
Lothian and Borders 35 35
Strathclyde 110 110
Tayside 24 24
Scotland 372 359

Table 1a: Number of stations in Scotland by crewing type as of 31 March 2013

Fire and Rescue Service Wholetime Day RDS Volunteer Total
Central 5 - 12 - 17
Dumfries and Galloway 1 - 16 1 18
Fife 5 - 8 - 13
Grampian 5 - 34 1 40
Highlands and Islands 1 - 92 9 102
Lothian and Borders 13 4 18 - 35
Strathclyde 38 - 43 29 110
Tayside 6 - 15 3 24
Scotland 74 4 238 43 359

Table 1b: Percentage of station by crewing type in Scotland as of 31 March 2013

Fire and Rescue Service Wholetime Day RDS Volunteer Total
Central 29.4 - 70.6 - 100.0
Dumfries and Galloway 5.6 - 88.9 5.6 100.0
Fife 38.5 - 61.5 - 100.0
Grampian 12.5 - 85.0 2.5 100.0
Highlands and Islands 1.0 - 90.2 8.8 100.0
Lothian and Borders 37.1 11.4 51.4 - 100.0
Strathclyde 34.5 - 39.1 26.4 100.0
Tayside 25.0 - 62.5 12.5 100.0
Scotland 20.6 1.1 66.3 12.0 100.0


Data supplied by CIPFA.

1 - Grampian supplied a correction to the 2011-12 CIPFA return. The 2012 figure should have been 40 not 39 - an increase of one Wholetime station.


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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