
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

Table 3a: Casualties from accidental dwelling fires 2012-13 provisional - Fire and Rescue Service

Accidental Dwelling Fires
Fatal Casualties Non-Fatal Casualties1
FRS Accidental Dwelling Fires Number (per 1,000 fires) Number (per 1,000 fires)
Central 185 1 5.4 22 118.9
Dumfries & Galloway 98 - - 28 285.7
Fife 262 2 7.6 59 225.2
Grampian 483 6 12.4 98 202.9
Highlands & Islands 175 3 17.1 55 314.3
Lothian & Borders 1,061 9 8.5 213 200.8
Strathclyde 2,302 14 6.1 450 195.5
Tayside 428 2 4.7 89 207.9
Scotland 4,994 37 7.4 1,014 203.0


p - provisional

r - revised

1 - there has been a change in the recording of non-fatal casualties and 2009-10 and beyond can no longer be compared to previous years - see section 6.5.2 ii for details

2 - figures before 2009-10 for primary fires are based on sample data weighted to Fire and Rescue Service totals


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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