
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

Table 19a: Secondary fires by motive of fire - 2012-13 provisional - Fire and Rescue Service

Accidental Secondary Fires1
Refuse2 Number
FRS Derelict Building Grassland Intentional straw or stubble Outdoor structures Derelict Vehicle Other outdoors (including land) Refuse - small/ rubbish container (eg wheelie bin) Refuse - large/ rubbish container
(eg skip)
Refuse - loose/ rubbish tip Refuse Subtotal Total accidental secondary fires
Central 5 32 - 8 - 7 25 5 12 42 94
Dumfries & Galloway 1 8 - 12 - 1 5 1 20 26 48
Fife 1 40 1 11 1 - 38 7 31 76 130
Grampian 4 64 7 12 - 3 55 9 67 131 221
Highlands & Islands 5 335 1 10 2 26 23 4 11 38 417
Lothian & Borders 3 70 2 16 2 51 183 24 20 227 371
Strathclyde 17 166 2 63 8 43 157 16 58 231 530
Tayside 7 39 1 11 12 42 11 24 77 147
Scotland 43 754 14 143 13 143 528 77 243 848 1,958
Deliberate Secondary Fires1
Refuse2 Number
FRS Derelict Building Grassland Intentional straw or stubble Outdoor structures Derelict Vehicle Other outdoors (including land) Refuse - small/ rubbish container (eg wheelie bin) Refuse - large/ rubbish container
(eg skip)
Refuse - loose/ rubbish tip Refuse Subtotal Total deliberate secondary fires
Central 7 134 4 13 - 97 120 17 110 247 502
Dumfries & Galloway 3 22 - 1 1 2 17 3 28 48 77
Fife 14 93 3 8 4 5 160 20 254 434 561
Grampian 31 109 1 11 2 10 159 28 184 371 535
Highlands & Islands 5 80 - 2 3 24 23 2 33 58 172
Lothian & Borders 23 373 10 28 4 342 443 111 316 870 1,650
Strathclyde 342 1,736 23 114 40 1,214 2,105 332 2,301 4,738 8,207
Tayside 13 109 6 13 1 69 165 35 123 323 534
Scotland 438 2,656 47 190 55 1,763 3,192 548 3,349 7,089 12,238


1 - there has been a change in the recording of secondary fires - see section 6.5.3 iii for details

2 - there has been a change to special services sub-categories, see section 6.5.5 iii for details


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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