
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

Table 21a: Primary fires in dwellings and other buildings by cause 2012-13 provisional - Fire and Rescue Service

Primary Dwelling Fires Number
FRS Deliberate2 Placing articles too close to heat Careless handling of fire or hot substances Cooking - Chip/fat pan fires Faulty appliances and leads Faulty fuel supplies Misuse of equipment or appliance (heat source)1 Playing with fire Others Unspecified Total
Central 21 16 10 13 21 15 85 3 22 - 206
Dumfries & Galloway 9 12 11 5 15 6 40 1 8 - 107
Fife 36 24 25 23 30 17 109 2 32 - 298
Grampian 72 42 46 23 60 17 267 - 28 - 555
Highlands & Islands 8 15 15 9 19 16 43 2 56 - 183
Lothian & Borders 146 90 107 72 138 61 469 2 121 1 1,207
Strathclyde 486 154 317 156 222 142 1,155 6 146 4 2,788
Tayside 48 41 40 19 53 21 203 1 50 - 476
Scotland 826 394 571 320 558 295 2,371 17 463 5 5,820
Primary Other Buildings Fires Number
FRS Deliberate2 Placing articles too close to heat Careless handling of fire or hot substances Cooking - Chip/fat pan fires Faulty appliances and leads Faulty fuel supplies Misuse of equipment or appliance (heat source)1 Playing with fire Others Unspecified Total
Central 48 7 4 2 11 7 8 1 30 - 118
Dumfries & Galloway 14 6 3 1 19 11 3 - 8 - 65
Fife 38 15 7 1 13 13 9 5 31 - 132
Grampian 38 19 17 4 58 36 47 1 34 - 254
Highlands & Islands 11 4 8 1 20 12 10 1 46 - 113
Lothian & Borders 105 39 28 11 69 37 64 3 63 1 420
Strathclyde 393 57 70 16 158 103 149 2 138 3 1,089
Tayside 35 12 9 4 32 19 26 1 52 - 190
Scotland 682 159 146 40 380 238 316 14 402 4 2,381


1 - Under IRS, the category for "Misuse of equipment or appliances" includes incidents which have been recorded as "Other cooking" a new category introduced with IRS. It is believed that the majority of these incidents were previously recorded as the misuse of cooking appliances under the FDR1 collection

2 - there has been a change in recording cause of fires - see section 6.5.3 vi


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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