
Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities: Headline Indicators - October 2013

Annual update of the 'Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities' headline indicators.


1. The first Long-Term Monitoring of Health Inequalities report (including Technical Advisory Group Membership) is available here:

2. Equally well (2008),

3. What is the shape of the dose-response relationship between markers of socioeconomic status and health status indicators:

4. Best Practice Guidelines for Monitoring Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health Status: Lessons from Scotland:

5. Technical paper available at:

6. See for more information.

7. See for more information.

8. Results for 1997 to 2006 were excluded from the October 2012 report to allow for a review of the methodology used to produce data for this indicator. Following subsequent changes in the methodology, these figures have now been revised and reinstated.

9. There was a change to the way suicides were coded following an update of death classification by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This resulted in some deaths previously coded under 'mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use' ' now being classed as 'self-poisoning of undetermined intent'. Therefore, there is a break in series from 2011 for suicides in the table (page 52). Under previous coding rules, the number of suicide deaths (ages 15-44) in 2011 was estimated to be 420.
See NRS website for further information:

10. See for further information: Centile charts for birthweight for gestational age for Scottish singleton births, Sandra Bonellie

11. See Sergeant JC, Firth D. Relative index of inequality: definition, estimation, and inference. Biostatistics 2006;7:213-24 for further details


Email: Craig Kellock

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