Activity Agreements National Implementation 2011-12

This paper provides a summary of reported participation in Activity Agreements during the first full year of the national roll-out of the programme (1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012). The paper outlines characteristics and outcomes for young people that have either completed or dropped out of an Activity Agreement during this period.

ANNEX 2: Basic Tables on participant characteristics

All notified leavers from programmes between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2012.

Valid Sample = 1035

Table 1: Age by Year
Frequency Percent
15 years 171 16.5%
16 years 481 46.5%
17 years 311 30%
18 years 64 6.2%
19 years 8 0.8%
Total 1035 100%

Table 2: Gender
Frequency Percent
Male 573 55.4%
Female 462 44.6%
Total 1035 100%

Table 3: Qualifications at highest level
Frequency Percent
No qualifications 505 48.8%
SCQF 1 (Access 1) 22 2.1%
SCQF 2 (Access 2) 31 3.0%
SCQF 3 (Foundation Standard Grade; Access 3) 261 25.2%
SCQF 4 (SVQ 1; General Standard Grade; Intermediate 1) 106 10.2%
SCQF 5+ (SVQ 2; Intermediate 2; Credit Standard Grade and above) 28 2.7%
Missing Data 82 7.9%
Total 1035 100%

Table 4: Additional Support Needs
Frequency Percent
No additional support needs 548 52.9%
Visual Impairment 3 0.3%
Hearing Impairment 3 0.3%
Physical or motor impairment 15 1.4%
Language or speech disorder 11 1.1%
Autistic spectrum disorder 14 1.4%
Social emotional or behavioural difficulty 207 20.0%
Specific learning disabilities 20 1.9%
Learning disability 25 2.4%
Moderate learning difficulty 26 2.5%
Other 80 7.7%
Unknown 37 3.6%
Missing 46 4.4%
Total 1035 100%

Table 5: Looked After/Supervision Order currently in place?
Frequency Percent
No 843 81.4%
Yes 80 7.7%
Unknown 33 3.2%
Missing data 79 7.6%
Total 1035 100%

Table 6: Care Leaver
Frequency Percent
No 817 78.8%
Yes 104 10.0%
Unknown 36 3.5%
Missing data 78 7.5%
Total 1035 100%

Table 7: History of Offending
Frequency Percent
No 719 69.5%
Yes 171 16.5%
Unknown 68 6.6%
Missing Data 77 7.4%
Total 1035 100%

Table 8: Drug/ Alcohol Problems
Frequency Percent
No known problems 739 71.4%
Yes - referred with drug/alcohol problems 61 5.9%
Yes - self-reported drug/alcohol problems 79 7.6%
Unknown 8 0.8%
Missing Data 148 14.3%
Total 1035 100%

Table 9: Young Carer/ Young Parent
Frequency Percent
No caring responsibilities 843 81.4%
Yes - own child 7 0.7%
Yes - other/relative 49 4.7%
Unknown 54 5.3%
Missing Data 82 7.9%
Total 1035 100%

Table 10: Referral Method
Frequency Percent
School 302 29.2%
Skills Development Scotland 447 43.2%
Social Work 53 5.1%
Community Learning & Development 26 2.5%
Youth Work 14 1.4%
Criminal Justice Services 9 0.9%
Voluntary Organisations 13 1.3%
Other 152 14.7%
Missing 19 1.8%
Total 1035 100%

Table 11: In receipt of EMA?
Frequency Percent
No 562 54.3%
Yes 425 41.1%
Unknown 3 0.3%
Missing Data 45 4.3%
Total 1035 100%

Table 12: Duration - Time from sign-up to Completion (shown for valid sample and partial sample - excluding missing data)
Duration Frequency Percentage (Valid Sample) Percentage (Partial Sample)[10]
Up to 1 month 61 5.9 8.1%
1-3 months 196 18.9 25.9%
3-6 months 267 25.8 35.3%
6-9 months 123 11.9 16.2%
9-12 months 61 5.9 8.1%
12+ months 49 4.7 6.5%
Total (with dates) 757 73.1 100%
Missing Cases 278 26.9 -
Overall Total 1035 100 -

Table 13: Outcomes on completion (shown for valid sample and partial sample - excluding missing data)
Frequency Percent (Valid Sample) Percent (Partial Sample)
School Returner 1 0.1% 0.2%
Further Education 111 10.7% 20.9%
Lifeskills (NTP) 28 2.7% 5.3%
Get Ready for Work (NTP) 64 6.2% 12.1%
Training for Work (NTP) 8 0.8% 1.5%
Modern Apprenticeship (NTP) 9 0.9% 1.7%
NTP - not defined 6 0.6% 1.1%
Other training - not NTP 20 1.9% 3.8%
Employment (with training) 33 3.2% 6.2%
Employment (no training) 50 4.8% 9.4%
Employment (unspecified) 42 4.1% 7.9%
Voluntary Work 15 1.4% 2.8%
Unemployed 33 3.2% 6.2%
Inactive 10 1.0% 1.9%
Custody 1 0.1% 0.2%
Other 78 7.5% 14.7%
Unknown 21 2.0% 4.0%
Total (valid) 530 51.2% 100%
Missing Data 505 48.8%
Overall Total 1035 100%

Table 13a: Summary of Positive and Negative Outcomes (total valid sample n = 1035)
Frequency Percent (Valid Sample) Percent (Partial Sample)
Positive - FE* 112 10.8% 21.1%
Positive - Employment 125 12.1% 23.6%
Positive - NTP 115 11.1% 21.7%
Positive - other training 20 1.9% 3.8%
Positive - voluntary work 15 1.4% 2.8%
Negative - unemployed 33 3.2% 6.2%
Negative - other** 11 1.1% 2.1%
Other (unspecified) 78 7.5% 14.7%
Unknown 21 2.0% 4.0%
Total (valid) 530 51.2% 100%
Missing Data 505 48.8%
Total 1035 100%

* includes school returners;
** includes those inactive and in custody

Table 13b: Summary of valid sample, missing data and partial sample for outcomes Data (by completers and drop-outs)
Completers Drop-outs Totals
Total valid sample 768 267 1035
Missing Data (as % of valid sample) 297 (39%) 208 (78%) 505 (49%)
Partial Sample (as % of valid sample) 471 (61%) 59 (22%) 530 (51%)

Table 13c: Positive and Negative outcomes for Completers and Drop-outs (partial sample n = 530
Completers Drop-outs
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Positive - FE* 108 22.9% 4 6.8%
Positive - Employment 119 25.3% 6 10.2%
Positive - NTP 109 23.2% 6 10.2%
Positive - other training 20 4.3% 0 0
Positive - voluntary work 15 3.2% 0 0
Negative - unemployed 22 4.7% 11 18.6%
Negative - other** 1 0.2% 10 16.9%
Other (unspecified) 68 14.5% 10 16.9%
Unknown 9 1.9% 12 20.3%
Total 471 100% 59 100%

* includes school returners;
** includes those inactive and in custody

Table 14: Outcomes by Age (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
15 years 54 3 11 1 69
16 years 165 18 30 11 224
17 years 133 17 30 8 188
18 years 28 6 7 1 42
19 years 7 0 0 0 7
Total 387 44 78 21 530

Table 15: Outcomes by Gender (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
Male 225 23 43 8 299
Female 162 21 35 13 231
Total 387 44 78 21 530

Table 16: Outcomes by Qualifications (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
No qualifications 144 12 46 10 212
SCQF 1 (Access 1) 9 1 0 0 10
SCQF 2 (Access 2) 9 1 4 0 14
SCQF 3 (Foundation Standard Grade; Access 3) 118 19 12 8 157
SCQF 4 (SVQ 1; General Standard Grade; Intermediate 1) 50 8 9 2 69
SCQF 5+ (SVQ 2; Intermediate 2; Credit Standard Grade and above) 18 0 0 0 18
Unknown/Missing 39 3 7 1 50
Total 387 44 78 21 530

Table 17: Outcomes by Additional Support Needs (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
No additional support needs 181 17 44 12 254
Visual Impairment 1 0 0 0 1
Hearing Impairment 1 0 1 0 2
Physical or motor impairment 10 2 1 0 13
Language or speech disorder 4 0 0 0 4
Autistic spectrum disorder 7 1 2 0 10
Social emotional or behavioural difficulty 90 10 15 2 117
Specific learning disabilities 10 2 1 0 13
Learning disability 6 4 1 0 11
Moderate learning difficulty 9 1 1 0 11
Other 31 3 6 6 46
Unknown 17 2 1 0 20
Missing 20 2 5 1 28
Total 387 44 78 21 530

Table 18: Outcomes by Duration (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
Up to 1 month 35 3 2 4 44
1-3 months 89 5 19 5 118
3-6 months 120 8 22 4 154
6-9 months 58 4 17 1 80
9-12 months 23 2 9 2 36
12+ months 29 3 6 3 41
Missing 33 19 3 2 57
Total 387 44 78 21 530

Table 19: Outcomes by reported history of offending (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
No 277 30 46 15 368
Yes 50 12 15 3 80
Unknown/Missing 60 2 17 3 82
Total 387 44 78 21 530

Table 20: Outcomes by reported drugs and alcohol misuse (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
No 284 28 47 16 375
Yes* 44 11 6 2 63
Unknown/Missing 59 5 25 3 92
Total 387 44 78 21 530

* sub-categories (for self-report and referral) have been collapsed to provide aggregate measure

Table 21: Outcomes by young carer/parent status (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
No 304 37 54 17 412
Yes* 25 4 7 2 38
Unknown/Missing 58 3 17 2 80
Total 387 44 78 21 530

* sub-categories (for self-report and referral) have been collapsed to provide aggregate measure

Table 22: Outcomes by care leaver status (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
No 297 35 52 16 400
Yes 39 6 9 2 56
Unknown/Missing 51 3 17 3 74
Total 387 44 78 21 530

Table 23: Outcomes by Looked After status (frequency)
Positive Negative Other Unknown total
No 311 39 61 20 431
Yes 25 2 5 0 32
Unknown/Missing 51 3 12 1 67
Total 387 44 78 21 530


Email: David Jack

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