
National Statistics Publication - Public Sector Employment in Scotland - Q3 2013

The statistics in this release are based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The publication includes information on public sector employment in Scotland with distinctions made for employment in devolved bodies and reserved bodies (located in Scotland).

List of Tables

Table 1: Number of people employed by public and private sector; Scotland, Headcount

Table 2: Public sector employment by National Accounts Sector Classification; Scotland, Headcount

Table 3: Public sector employment by devolved and reserved sector; Scotland, Headcount and Full-time equivalent

Table 4: Total devolved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Headcount

Table 5: Total reserved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Headcount

Table 6: Devolved civil service employment; Scotland, Headcount

Table 7: Reserved civil service employment; Scotland, Headcount

Table 8: Total devolved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Full-time equivalent

Table 9: Total reserved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Full-time equivalent

Table 10: Devolved civil service employment; Scotland, Full-time equivalent

Table 11: Reserved civil service employment; Scotland, Full-time equivalent

These tables include comparisons for Q3 in 1999 and 2007 to 2013 only. A complete time series, including all quarters back to Q1 1999 is provided in the excel spreadsheets published at the public sector employment web section

Background Notes

Background notes about the information contained in our PSE series are available at the following web section:

Next Publication: 19th March 2014

Table 1: Number of people employed by public and private sector; Scotland, Headcount

Total Employment Private Sector Public Sector Private Sector Public Sector
Including public sector financial institutions Excluding public sector financial institutions
Level Level Percentage of total employment Level Percentage of total employment Level Percentage of total employment Level Percentage of total employment
Q3 1999 2,293,000 1,746,200 76.2% 546,400 23.8% 1,746,200 76.2% 546,400 23.8%
Q3 2007 2,552,000 1,956,000 76.6% 596,200 23.4% 1,956,000 76.6% 596,200 23.4%
Q3 2008 2,552,000 1,955,200 76.6% 596,800 23.4% 1,955,200 76.6% 596,800 23.4%
Q3 2009 2,507,000 1,873,600 74.7% 633,200 25.3% 1,911,100 76.2% 595,700 23.8%
Q3 2010 2,479,000 1,861,300 75.1% 617,600 24.9% 1,893,400 76.4% 585,500 23.6%
Q3 2011 2,485,000 1,892,600 76.1% 592,800 23.9% 1,924,800 77.4% 560,500 22.6%
Q3 2012 2,474,000 1,893,100 76.5% 580,900 23.5% 1,922,300 77.7% 551,700 22.3%
Q3 2013 2,549,000 1,968,900 77.3% 579,700 22.7% 2,001,300 78.5% 547,300 21.5%
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 74,600 75,800 -1,200 79,000 -4,400
% change on year:
Q3 2013 3.0% 4.0% -0.2% 4.1% -0.8%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Total employment has been rounded to the nearest thousand. Percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Public sector financial institutions include Northern Rock (classified to the public sector from Q4 2007), Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, HBOS/Lloyds Banking Group plc (both classified to the public sector from Q4 2008) Lloyds TSB Commercial Banking. Those organisations classified as Public Sector Financial Institutions and SIC 64.

3. Public sector is derived as the difference between the Labour Force Survey 'Total employment' workforce based estimate for the whole of Scotland (not seasonally adjusted) and the public sector estimate (derived from indivdual organisation statistical returns). For Q1 the Feb-Apr 2013 rolling estimate from the LFS was used.

4. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 2: Public sector employment by National Accounts Sector Classification; Scotland, Headcount

Total Public Sector Total Central Government
(see note 2)
Central Government Categories Local Government (see note 2) Public Corporations Public Sector Financial Institutions
NHS Civil Service Police and Fire services
(see note 2)
Further Education Colleges Armed Forces Other Public Bodies
Q3 1999 546,400 223,400 129,700 48,500 15,700 15,000 14,400 293,600 29,400
Q3 2007 596,200 256,000 154,200 50,000 16,900 12,200 22,700 315,200 24,900
Q3 2008 596,800 258,400 156,500 49,400 16,900 12,000 23,700 313,200 25,100
Q3 2009 633,200 262,900 159,800 51,300 16,000 11,900 23,900 304,500 28,300 37,500
Q3 2010 617,600 260,500 158,800 49,100 17,100 12,300 23,300 297,700 27,200 32,100
Q3 2011 592,800 250,800 154,500 47,700 15,100 11,700 21,800 284,000 25,700 32,200
Q3 2012 580,900 248,500 155,300 45,500 14,200 11,700 21,900 278,700 24,500 29,200
Q3 2013 579,700 276,900 157,400 44,700 29,800 13,500 11,100 20,600 246,100 24,300 32,400
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 -1,200 28,400 2,100 -800 29,800 -700 -600 -1,300 -32,600 -200 3,200
% change on year:
Q3 2013 -0.2% 11.4% 1.4% -1.8% n/a -5.2% -4.8% -6.1% -11.7% -0.6% 10.8%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred; percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Police and Fire Reform: Some of the change on year estimates will be affected by reclassification of organisations as a result of reforms to the police and fire services in Scotland. From Q2 2013 Police and Fire Services have been reclassified as central government rather than local government. This reclassification has had an impact on the staffing numbers in both these categories. Also, from Q2 2013 staffing levels for the Scottish Police Authority (previously Scottish Police Services Authority) are included within the Police and Fire Services category in the table above (previously included in other public bodies).

3. In April 2013 the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) merged with 3 colleges to form Scotland's Rural College. This new organisation is classified as a public body (as the SAC was). This has resulted in staffing levels moving from the Further Education to Other Public Bodies categories to reflect the merger of these organisations.

4. Public sector financial institutions include Northern Rock (classified to the public sector from Q4 2007), Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, HBOS/Lloyds Banking Group plc (both classified to the public sector from Q4 2008) Lloyds TSB Commercial Banking. Those organisation classified as Public Sector Financial Institutions and SIC 64.

5. A number of local government staff have transferred to arms length organisations which are part of the private sector under National Accounts definitions. For example, staff transferred from Glasgow City Council to Cordia Limited Liability Partnership from 1 April 2009 thus explaining the decrease in local government employment between 2008 and 2009.

6. Information for further education colleges in Scotland is based on collected information from Q4 2010. The method used to create the back series is detailed in the background notes of this publication.

7. From Q4 2011, NHS has responsibility for employing Healthcare staff within prisons. Previously, these people were employed directly by the Scottish Prison Service (SPS). Also, In Q2 2012 1,491 & 1062.1 WTE headcount staff transferred from Highland Council to NHS Highland as a result of the move to integrated health and social care services.

8. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 3: Public sector employment by devolved and reserved sector; Scotland, Headcount and Full-time equivalent

Headcount Full-time equivalent
Total Public Sector Devolved Public Sector Reserved Public Sector Reserved Public Sector
(Excluding Financial Institutions)
Total Public Sector Devolved Public Sector Reserved Public Sector Reserved Public Sector (Excluding Financial Institutions)
Q3 1999 546,400 471,700 74,700 74,700 457,600 386,400 71,200 71,200
Q3 2007 596,200 525,400 70,800 70,800 505,200 438,600 66,600 66,600
Q3 2008 596,800 526,000 70,800 70,800 506,500 440,000 66,500 66,500
Q3 2009 633,200 520,200 113,000 75,600 542,100 437,000 105,100 70,900
Q3 2010 617,600 513,300 104,300 72,200 528,100 431,400 96,700 67,500
Q3 2011 592,800 491,700 101,100 68,900 508,500 414,800 93,800 64,200
Q3 2012 580,900 486,000 94,900 65,700 498,700 410,700 88,000 61,200
Q3 2013 579,700 484,400 95,300 62,900 499,200 410,800 88,400 58,700
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 -1,200 -1,600 400 -2,800 500 200 400 -2,600
% change on year:
Q3 2013 -0.2% -0.3% 0.4% -4.3% 0.1% 0.0% 0.4% -4.2%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Devolved Public Sector consists of the following staff groups: Civil Service, Other public Bodies, NHS, Further Education Colleges, Local Government and Public Corporations. (as shown in Table 4). Reserved Public Sector consists of the following staff groups: Civil Service, Public Bodies, Armed Forces, Public Corporations, Public Sector Financial Institutions ( as shown in Table 5).

3. Public sector financial institutions include Northern Rock (classified to the public sector from Q4 2007), Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, HBOS/Lloyds Banking Group plc (both classified to the public sector from Q4 2008) Lloyds TSB Commercial Banking. Those organisation classified as Public Sector Financial Institutions and SIC 64.

4. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 4: Total devolved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Headcount

Total Devolved
Public Sector

Civil Service Police and Fire Services Further Education Colleges Other Public Bodies Local Government Public Corporations
Q3 1999 471,700 129,700 14,600 15,700 8,600 293,600 9,500
Q3 2007 525,400 154,200 16,700 16,900 15,600 315,200 6,800
Q3 2008 526,000 156,500 17,000 16,900 15,700 313,200 6,700
Q3 2009 520,200 159,800 17,600 16,000 16,000 304,500 6,300
Q3 2010 513,300 158,800 17,600 17,100 15,700 297,700 6,400
Q3 2011 491,700 154,500 16,900 15,100 14,800 284,000 6,300
Q3 2012 486,000 155,300 16,500 14,200 14,900 278,700 6,500
Q3 2013 484,400 157,400 16,800 29,800 13,500 13,900 246,100 7,100
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 -1,600 2,100 300 29,800 -700 -1,000 -32,600 600
% change on year:
Q3 2013 -0.3% 1.4% 1.7% n/a -5.2% -6.8% -11.7% 9.4%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred; percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Police and Fire Reform: Some of the change on year estimates will be affected by reclassification of organisations as a result of reforms to the police and fire services in Scotland. From Q2 2013 Police and Fire Services have been reclassified as central government rather than local government. This reclassification has had an impact on the staffing numbers in both these categories. Also, from Q2 2013 staffing levels for the Scottish Police Authority (previously Scottish Police Services Authority) are included within the Police and Fire Services category in the table above (previously included in other public bodies).

3. In April 2013 the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) merged with 3 colleges to form Scotland's Rural College. This new organisation is classified as a public body (as the SAC was). This has resulted in staffing levels moving from the Further Education to Other Public Bodies categories to reflect the merger of these organisations.

4. Public sector financial institutions include Northern Rock (classified to the public sector from Q4 2007), Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, HBOS/Lloyds Banking Group plc (both classified to the public sector from Q4 2008) Lloyds TSB Commercial Banking. Those organisation classified as Public Sector Financial Institutions and SIC 64.

5. A number of local government staff have transferred to arms length organisations which are part of the private sector under National Accounts definitions. For example, staff transferred from Glasgow City Council to Cordia Limited Liability Partnership from 1 April 2009 thus explaining the decrease in local government employment between 2008 and 2009.

6. Information for further education colleges in Scotland is based on collected information from Q4 2010. The method used to create the back series is detailed in the background notes of this publication.

7. From Q4 2011, NHS has responsibility for employing Healthcare staff within prisons. Previously, these people were employed directly by the Scottish Prison Service (SPS). Also, In Q2 2012 1,491 & 1062.1 WTE headcount staff transferred from Highland Council to NHS Highland as a result of the move to integrated health and social care services.

8. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 5: Total reserved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Headcount

Total Reserved
Public Sector
Civil Service Public Bodies Armed Forces Public Corporations Public Sector
Financial Institutions
Q3 1999 74,700 33,900 5,900 15,000 19,900
Q3 2007 70,800 33,300 7,100 12,200 18,100
Q3 2008 70,800 32,400 8,000 12,000 18,400
Q3 2009 113,000 33,800 7,900 11,900 22,000 37,500
Q3 2010 104,300 31,400 7,600 12,300 20,900 32,100
Q3 2011 101,100 30,800 7,100 11,700 19,400 32,200
Q3 2012 94,900 29,000 7,100 11,700 18,000 29,200
Q3 2013 95,300 27,900 6,700 11,100 17,200 32,400
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 400 -1,100 -300 -600 -800 3,200
% change on year:
Q3 2013 0.4% -3.8% -4.8% -4.8% -4.2% 10.8%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Public sector financial institutions include Northern Rock (classified to the public sector from Q4 2007), Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, HBOS/Lloyds Banking Group plc (both classified to the public sector from Q4 2008) Lloyds TSB Commercial Banking. Those organisation classified as Public Sector Financial Institutions and SIC 64.

3. Where the change over the year is less than 50 this rounds to '0'.

4. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 6: Devolved civil service employment; Scotland, Headcount

Devolved Civil Service
Total Devolved Civil Service Scottish Government Core Directorates (excluding Agencies) Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Scottish Government Agencies Non-Ministerial Departments
Q3 2007 16,700 4,400 1,600 8,900 1,700
Q3 2008 17,000 4,900 1,700 8,500 1,800
Q3 2009 17,600 5,700 1,900 8,300 1,800
Q3 2010 17,600 5,600 1,800 6,900 3,400
Q3 2011 16,900 5,200 1,700 6,800 3,100
Q3 2012 16,500 5,000 1,600 6,800 3,000
Q3 2013 16,800 5,100 1,700 7,100 2,900
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 300 100 0 300 -100
% change on year:
Q3 2013 1.7% 2.0% 1.6% 3.8% -3.2%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Increases in Scottish Government Agencies are largely due to increased employment in the Scottish Prison Service in preparation for the opening of a new prison.

3. From Q4 2011, NHS has responsibility for employing Healthcare staff within prisons. Previously, these people were employed directly by the Scottish Prison Service (SPS). In Q2 2012 1,491 & 1062.1 WTE / headcount staff transferred from Highland Council to NHS Highland.

4. Where the change over the year is less than 50 this rounds to '0'.

5. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 7: Reserved civil service employment; Scotland, Headcount

Total Reserved Civil Service Ministry of Defence HM Revenue and Customs Department for Work and Pensions Department for International Development Scotland Office Other Civil Service
Q3 2007 33,300 6,600 10,900 12,600 500 60 2,800
Q3 2008 32,400 6,100 10,600 12,300 500 60 2,800
Q3 2009 33,800 6,000 10,500 12,400 500 70 4,300
Q3 2010 31,400 5,800 9,700 11,600 500 70 3,900
Q3 2011 30,800 5,400 10,100 10,500 500 70 4,300
Q3 2012 29,000 4,400 9,400 10,300 500 60 4,200
Q3 2013 27,900 4,000 9,300 11,200 600 70 2,700
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 -1,100 -500 -200 900 100 10 -1,500
% change on year:
Q3 2013 -3.8% -10.1% -1.6% 8.4% 18.7% 14.1% -35.0%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred, with the exception of the Scotland Office figures which are rounded to the nearest ten. Percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. From Q3 2012 DWP includes CMEC staff. From Q4 2008 Staff, employed in the Child Support Agency within DWP, transferred to the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission (CMEC). CMEC is an Non-Departmental Public Body. However, CMEC staff were included in the 'Other Civil Service' category as staff have retained their civil service contracts. From Q3 2012 CMEC staff have moved into DWP again.

3. Where the change on the year is less than 50 this rounds to '0'.

4. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 8: Total devolved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Full-time equivalent

Total Devolved
Public Sector

Civil Service Police and Fire Services Further Education Colleges Other Public Bodies Local Government Public Corporations
Q3 1999 386,400 107,000 14,100 11,500 7,900 236,700 9,200
Q3 2007 438,600 131,100 15,900 12,400 14,400 258,300 6,500
Q3 2008 440,000 133,100 16,200 12,300 14,500 257,500 6,400
Q3 2009 437,000 135,800 16,800 11,700 14,900 251,800 6,000
Q3 2010 431,400 135,000 16,800 12,400 14,400 246,800 6,000
Q3 2011 414,800 131,300 16,100 11,300 13,600 236,400 6,100
Q3 2012 410,700 131,800 15,700 10,600 13,600 232,700 6,200
Q3 2013 410,800 134,200 15,900 28,700 10,200 12,600 202,400 6,800
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 200 2,300 300 28,700 -300 -1,100 -30,300 600
% change on year:
Q3 2013 0.0% 1.8% 1.7% n/a -3.1% -7.8% -13.0% 9.3%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred; percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Police and Fire Reform: Some of the change on year estimates will be affected by reclassification of organisations as a result of reforms to the police and fire services in Scotland. From Q2 2013 Police and Fire Services have been reclassified as central government rather than local government. This reclassification has had an impact on the staffing numbers in both these categories. Also, from Q2 2013 staffing levels for the Scottish Police Authority (previously Scottish Police Services Authority) are included within the Police and Fire Services category in the table above (previously included in other public bodies).

3. In April 2013 the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) merged with 3 colleges to form Scotland's Rural College. This new organisation is classified as a public body (as the SAC was). This has resulted in staffing levels moving from the Further Education to Other Public Bodies categories to reflect the merger of these organisations.

4. Public sector financial institutions include Northern Rock (classified to the public sector from Q4 2007), Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, HBOS/Lloyds Banking Group plc (both classified to the public sector from Q4 2008) Lloyds TSB Commercial Banking. Those organisation classified as Public Sector Financial Institutions and SIC 64.

5. A number of local government staff have transferred to arms length organisations which are part of the private sector under National Accounts definitions. For example, staff transferred from Glasgow City Council to Cordia Limited Liability Partnership from 1 April 2009 thus explaining the decrease in local government employment between 2008 and 2009.

6. Information for further education colleges in Scotland is based on collected information from Q4 2010. The method used to create the back series is detailed in the background notes of this publication.

7. From Q4 2011, NHS has responsibility for employing Healthcare staff within prisons. Previously, these people were employed directly by the Scottish Prison Service (SPS). Also, In Q2 2012 1,491 & 1062.1 WTE headcount staff transferred from Highland Council to NHS Highland as a result of the move to integrated health and social care services.

8. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 9: Total reserved public sector employment by sector; Scotland, Full-time equivalent

Total Reserved
Public Sector
Civil Service Public Bodies Armed Forces Public Corporations Public Sector
Financial Institutions
Q3 1999 71,200 32,000 5,500 15,000 18,700
Q3 2007 66,600 31,100 6,500 12,200 16,800
Q3 2008 66,500 30,100 7,400 12,000 16,900
Q3 2009 105,100 31,300 7,400 11,900 20,300 34,200
Q3 2010 96,700 29,000 7,100 12,300 19,100 29,200
Q3 2011 93,800 28,100 6,700 11,700 17,800 29,600
Q3 2012 88,000 26,300 6,700 11,700 16,500 26,800
Q3 2013 88,400 25,200 6,400 11,100 15,900 29,700
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 400 -1,100 -300 -600 -600 2,900
% change on year:
Q3 2013 0.4% -4.4% -4.2% -4.8% -3.4% 10.8%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Public sector financial institutions include Northern Rock (classified to the public sector from Q4 2007), Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc and Lloyds Banking Group plc (both classified to the public sector from Q4 2008).

3. Where the change on the year is less than 50 this rounds to '0'.

4. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 10: Devolved civil service employment; Scotland, Full-time equivalent

Devolved Civil Service
Total Devolved Civil Service Scottish Government Core Directorates (excluding Agencies) Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Scottish Government Agencies Non-Ministerial Departments
Q3 2007 15,900 4,200 1,500 8,600 1,600
Q3 2008 16,200 4,700 1,600 8,100 1,700
Q3 2009 16,700 5,400 1,800 7,900 1,700
Q3 2010 16,700 5,300 1,700 6,600 3,100
Q3 2011 16,100 5,000 1,600 6,600 2,900
Q3 2012 15,700 4,800 1,500 6,500 2,800
Q3 2013 15,900 4,900 1,600 6,800 2,700
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 300 100 0 200 -100
% change on year:
Q3 2013 1.7% 2.1% 1.5% 3.7% -3.4%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. Increases in Scottish Government Agencies are largely due to increased employment in the Scottish Prison Service in preparation for the opening of a new prison.

3. From Q4 2011, NHS has responsibility for employing Healthcare staff within prisons. Previously, these people were employed directly by the Scottish Prison Service (SPS). In Q2 2012 1,491 & 1062.1 WTE / headcount staff transferred from Highland Council to NHS Highland.

4. Where the change over the year is less than 50 this rounds to '0'.

5. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:

Table 11: Reserved civil service employment; Scotland, Full-time equivalent

Reserved Civil Service
Total Reserved Civil Service Ministry of Defence HM Revenue and Customs Department for Work and Pensions Department for International Development Scotland Office Other Civil Service
Q3 2007 31,100 6,400 10,000 11,500 500 60 2,700
Q3 2008 30,100 5,900 9,800 11,200 500 60 2,700
Q3 2009 31,300 5,800 9,500 11,400 500 70 4,000
Q3 2010 29,000 5,600 8,700 10,600 500 70 3,600
Q3 2011 28,100 5,200 8,900 9,400 500 60 4,000
Q3 2012 26,300 4,300 8,200 9,300 500 60 3,900
Q3 2013 25,200 3,900 8,100 9,900 600 70 2,700
Change on year to:
Q3 2013 -1,100 -400 -200 700 100 0 -1,300
% change on year:
Q3 2013 -4.4% -10.2% -2.0% 7.1% 19.4% 6.3% -32.9%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred, with the exception of the Scotland Office figures which are rounded to the nearest ten. Percentages are based on unrounded figures.

2. From Q3 2012 DWP includes CMEC staff. From Q4 2008 Staff, employed in the Child Support Agency within DWP, transferred to the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission (CMEC). CMEC is an Non-Departmental Public Body. However, CMEC staff were included in the 'Other Civil Service' category as staff have retained their civil service contracts. From Q3 2012 CMEC staff have moved into DWP again.

3. Where the change on the year is less than 50 this rounds to '0'.

4. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:


Email: Chris Newson

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