
Professionalism and Excellence in Scottish Medicine - A Progress Report

A progress report on the key themes to further enhance the role and contribution of NHSScotland staff following the Professionalism and Excellence Report published in 2009.

Annex A

Themes from the Scottish Academy Trainee Doctors Group

The Scottish Academy Trainee Doctors Group considered a range of issues with regard to enhancing professionalism (and the factors which might inhibit it). A number of themes emerged from this analysis which underlined the importance of:

  • identifying opportunities for greater continuity with regard to patient outcomes - for example by seeking to ensure stable working patterns and avoiding frequent rotations between wards and specialties, particularly at foundation level
  • improving transition phases - for example through enhanced organisation and management at the August changeover; and more tailored induction and training opportunities
  • ensuring an appropriate balance between training and service components - for example good planning of compulsory training days; providing opportunities for research and other experience; and making the most of clinical and non-clinical training opportunities
  • being valued as a professional - for example ensuring there is flexibility for trainees to meet their own training goals; and being proactive with regard to the design and dissemination of rotas
  • enhancing patient safety - for example by ensuring a 'safe space' for trainees to discuss, report and learn from incidents
  • developing workplace assessment processes - for example avoiding a 'tick box' culture and ensuring the intended educational component is achieved


Email: Diane Dempster

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