
Rural Affairs and the Environment (RAE) Consultation on the Research Strategy for 2016-2021.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the scope and content of the draft RAE Research Strategy for the 2016-2021 period.

1. Introduction

The Scottish Government's (SG) Rural Affairs and Environment (RAE) portfolio is supported by scientific services provided through SG's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) and the CAMERAS[1] partners.

The annual investment of ca. £57 M in research through RESAS represents a major contribution to the needs of both the SG and the individual and collective membership of the CAMERAS partnership. This consultation is concerned with the future direction of the investment supported directly by RESAS.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the scope and content of the draft strategy and to establish:

  • the high level vision for the 2016-2021 period;
  • the key underlying principles for future funding;
  • priority outcomes and themes for future support;
  • appropriate funding and delivery mechanisms; and
  • knowledge exchange and performance management approaches.


Email: Research Strategy Consultation Mailbox

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