Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics 2012-13

Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics is an annual publication that provides a comprehensive overview of Scottish Local Authority financial activity. The publication covers Local Authority income, revenue and capital expenditure, outstanding debt, local taxation and Local Authority pensions.

ANNEX H - Capital Expenditure by Service and Type of Expenditure, 2012-13

£ thousands
Acquisition of land, leases, existing buildings or works New construction, conversions, enhancement to existing buildings Vehicles, Machinery, Equipment Intangible Assets Total Gross Capital Expenditure Revenue Expenditure funded from Capital Resources Total Expenditure to be met from Capital Resources
Education 23,414 471,301 22,194 249 517,158 0 517,158
Pre-primary education 612 4,212 102 0 4,926 0 4,926
Primary education 2,578 246,531 11,138 130 260,377 0 260,377
Secondary education 19,830 191,412 10,344 119 221,705 0 221,705
Special education 289 14,546 444 0 15,279 0 15,279
Community learning 105 14,600 166 0 14,871 0 14,871
Cultural and related services 58,937 185,305 11,555 26 255,823 1,217 257,040
Tourism 0 458 11 0 469 112 581
Recreation and Sport 58,275 153,158 10,456 1 221,890 909 222,799
Libraries 0 4,566 456 25 5,047 0 5,047
Museums and art galleries 27 6,104 152 0 6,283 0 6,283
Other culture and heritage 635 21,019 480 0 22,134 196 22,330
Social work 3,523 63,303 5,701 377 72,904 908 73,812
Children 42 12,845 2,534 0 15,421 0 15,421
Older people 3,301 36,430 799 377 40,907 0 40,907
Adults with mental health needs 0 1,418 20 0 1,438 0 1,438
Adults with learning disabilities 45 3,834 289 0 4,168 908 5,076
Other Adults Services 135 8,776 2,059 0 10,970 0 10,970
Police and fire 2,195 32,690 31,502 733 67,120 7,799 67,120
Police 1,744 23,394 19,564 663 45,365 7,799 45,365
Fire 451 9,296 11,938 70 21,755 0 21,755
Roads and transport 13,471 438,587 25,424 21 477,503 25,977 503,480
Roads 8,752 214,187 7,806 0 230,745 6,660 237,405
Network and traffic management 867 27,475 269 0 28,611 1,172 29,783
Bridges 931 33,543 1,182 9 35,665 4,745 40,410
Parking Services 60 10,687 123 0 10,870 0 10,870
Public Transport - Rail 2,861 396 0 0 3,257 2,083 5,340
Other Public Transport 0 152,299 16,044 12 168,355 11,317 179,672
Environmental services 9,554 100,894 15,111 183 125,742 889 126,631
Crematoria and burial grounds 228 7,966 219 63 8,476 0 8,476
Coast protection 866 12,727 0 0 13,593 0 13,593
Flood prevention 202 43,073 29 0 43,304 886 44,190
Environmental Health 79 4,730 230 0 5,039 0 5,039
Waste collection and disposal 8,179 32,398 14,633 120 55,330 3 55,333
Planning and economic development 15,251 94,270 1,801 0 111,322 6,960 118,282
Planning 2,038 4,610 795 0 7,443 0 7,443
Environmental Initiatives 91 11,469 50 0 11,610 3,573 15,183
Economic development 13,122 78,191 956 0 92,269 3,387 95,656
Trading Services 975 16,355 1,089 0 18,419 0 18,419
Fishery Harbours, Markets, Commercial Ports, Piers & Harbours 975 16,355 834 0 18,164 0 18,164
Shipping, Airports, Transport Piers & Ferry Terminals 0 0 255 0 255 0 255
Toll Bridges 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Services 2,560 56,818 59,583 4,771 123,732 8 123,740
Non-HRA Housing 1,124 9,412 533 0 11,069 125,294 136,363
Total General Fund Services 131,004 1,468,935 174,493 6,360 1,780,792 169,052 1,942,045
Housing Revenue Account 15,926 568,450 22,529 278 607,183 96 607,279
All services 146,930 2,037,385 197,022 6,638 2,387,975 161,349 2,549,324


Email: Euan Smith

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