
Child Death Review Report : Scottish Government Child Death Review Working Group

A report by a Scottish Government short-life working group which explored current practice in Scotland and considered whether Scotland should introduce a national collaborative multi-agency system for reviewing the circumstances surrounding the death of a child.


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(28) Dibben C, Popham F. Are health inequalities evident at all ages? An ecological study of English mortality records. Eur J Public Health 2013;23(1):39-45.

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(31) Sidebotham P, Pearson G. Responding to and learning from childhood deaths. BMJ 2009;338:b531.

(32) Wirtz SJ, Foster V, Lenart GA. Assessing and improving child death review team recommendations. Injury Prevention 2011;17(Suppl 1):i64-i70.

(33) Bunting L, Reid C. Reviewing Child Deaths- Learning from the American Experience. Child Abuse Review 2005;14:82-96.

(34) Devaney J, Lazenbatt A, Bunting L. Inquiring into Non-Accidental Child Deaths: Reviewing the Review Process. British Journal of Social Work 2011;41:242-260.

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(39) Liverpool LSCB. Welcome to LSCB. 2012; Available from:


Email: Mary Sloan

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