
Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2013

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2013, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are provided for Scotland and local authority areas in Scotland.


1. Note that due to changes in the LFS questionnaire, this estimate is based only on those who started their apprenticeships in the year 2000 or later.

2. Due to the small sample size of the unemployed cohort at local area level, model-based estimates are used to improve quality and reliability of estimates at local authority level. Model-Based estimates use information from the Claimant Count which, as it is an administrative measure, has accurate information all areas. The model is said to borrow strength from the claimant count.


4. Refer to Annex D for further information on the meaning of statistical significance and how this is calculated. All references to statistically significant differences are based on a 95% confidence level..

5. Modern Apprenticeships include foundation, advanced and Level 4 and 5 apprenticeships. The estimate given relates only to those who started their apprenticeship in the year 2000 or later.

6. The Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) 2010 is the latest revision of occupational classification. It accounts for changes in the occupational structure of the workforce and redefines managers in line with the classification more commonly used internationally. .Further information and assessments of impacts of the change in classification is available at

7. Distinguishing between full-time and part-time working: Respondents to the Labour Force Survey are asked to self-classify their main job as either full-time or part-time. However, people on government supported employment and training programmes that are at college in the reference week are classified, by convention, as part-time. In employer surveys, jobs are generally classified as being full-time if the contracted hours of work are more than 30 hours per week.

8. Underemployment rate = Level of those aged 16+ underemployed / Level of 16+ in employment

9. Refer to Annex D for further information on the meaning of statistical significance and how this is calculated. All references to statistically significant differences are based on a 95% confidence level.

10. Refer to Annex D for further information on the meaning of statistical significance and how this is calculated. All references to statistically significant differences are based on a 95% confidence level.

11. 2012 and 2013 LA NEET data is due to be published on 22nd May 2014.

12. The LFS asks respondents if they had a paid or unpaid job for one hour or more during the reference period, but this excludes casual or holiday work.

13. Information on the range of targets and indicators which comprise the National Performance Framework can be found on the Scotland Performs website:



Email: Alan Winetrobe

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