
Fire Statistics Review

A report on statistics users responses to a consultation on the presentation of fire statistics following transition to a single service.

Appendix A - Fire Statistics User Consultation 2014 - questionnaire

This appendix contains the questionnaire text that was provided to stakeholders via an online form.


1. To help us identify and interpret responses from the range of Scottish fire data users, we would be grateful if you would provide the following details:

Name (optional)

Organisation (optional)

E-mail address (optional)

Telephone number (optional)

Your email address would only be used to notify you when the results of this consultation are available - we will not use this information to contact you for any other reason unless we have your explicit consent (requested later).

2. Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of your organisation?

As an individual

On behalf of my organisation

3. As required by the UK Statistics Authority, we will provide a summary of your feedback. Some of the questions in this survey provide boxes where you can provide additional comments.

Do we have your consent to include your text responses in a public document?

Yes (attributed to myself or my organisation)

Yes (anonymously)


5. Would you be happy for the Scottish Government to contact you if we need to clarify any of your responses?



Section 1 - Overview of Fire Statistics, Scotland

This section asks you about your use of Fire Statistics, Scotland.

1.1 Do you currently use the Fire Statistics, Scotland statistical bulletin?


No, but I may use it in future

No - (if No, skip to "Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland" - section 4)

1.2 In general, how often do you refer to information within Fire Statistics, Scotland on the following topics?

Never Weekly Monthly 3 or 4 times year Twice a year Once a year
Main Points (highlight report)
Total number of fires
Fire casualties
False alarms
Special service incidents
Building fires
Outdoor fires
Fire rescues
Deliberate and Accidental fire numbers
Smoke Alarms
Fire cause/source of ignition
Spread of fire and appliances attending
Fires by time of call

1.3 Additional datasets providing long-term trend data for casualties, fires and false alarms are supplied alongside Fire Statistics, Scotland. These datasets are supplied as Excel spreadsheets. Have you used these?


No, but I would use in future


1.4 Additional datasets providing data on fires, casualties, false alarms and special services at Local Authority level are supplied after publication. These datasets are supplied as Excel spreadsheets. Have you used these?


No, but I would use in future


1.5 What do you currently use the information from Fire Statistics, Scotland for?

(Please tick all that apply)

Reporting about Scotland Tick Box
Reporting about Local Authorities Tick Box
Reporting about other sub-national areas Tick Box
(if so please state which) Free Text
Benchmarking/performance management Tick Box
To provide data on national indicators Tick Box
To provide data on single outcome agreements Tick Box
To assist in policy development and evaluation Tick Box
To assist with research/analysis Tick Box
For general awareness of issues/trends Tick Box
Others Free Text


Section 2 - Changes to Fire Statistics, Scotland

Following the move to the single Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in April 2013, it would no longer be meaningful to present the Fire Statistics, Scotland data for the 8 legacy Scottish Fire and Rescue Service areas. This means we need to make some changes to how we provide the information in Fire Statistics, Scotland and the format we provide it in.

We will use your responses to this section to inform our decision making on these changes.

Changes to publication format

2.1 We are considering reducing the level of detailed information in the "Commentary" section of Fire Statistics, Scotland and providing this more detailed information in the format of Excel tables, published alongside the main report. This would result in a more concise "Commentary" section summarising key points and statistics and the underlying data being more accessible for users to carry out their own analysis.

Would this proposed new publication format meet your requirements?

Yes / No (if no, please provide details of the impact of these changes)

2.2 To inform our decision making on the content of future Fire Statistics, Scotland publications, we would like to understand how you prioritise the information currently provided. Please select the 3 topic areas of most value to you from the list below:

  • Main Points (highlight report)
  • Total number of fires
  • Fire casualties
  • False alarms
  • Special service incidents
  • Building fires
  • Outdoor fires
  • Fire rescues
  • Deliberate and Accidental fire numbers
  • Smoke Alarms
  • Fire cause/source of ignition
  • Spread of fire and appliances attending
  • Fires by time of call

Changes to data presentation

2.3 Following single service reform, Fire Statistics, Scotland data will no longer be provided at Fire and Rescue Service level. We appreciate that users may still wish to see a sub-national breakdown of the Fire Statistics, Scotland data.

What sub-national levels would you find the key fire information useful at?

(Multiple tick)


Local Authority

Other (free text)

2.4 The additional datasets containing long-term trend data have previously provided casualties, fires and false alarms data at Fire and Rescue Service level. Data will no longer be provided at Fire and Rescue Service level. Would you use this information at Scotland level?

Yes often

Yes occasionally


2.5 The changes being made to Fire Statistics, Scotland mean the 2013-14 publication will take additional time to prepare. Whilst Fire Statistics, Scotland bulletins has previously been published annually in October, it is likely that Fire Statistics 2013-14 will not be ready until November or December 2014.

Would this later publication date meet your requirements?

Yes / No (if no, please provide details of why not - free text)

2.5 Is there any information that you would like to see included in future Fire Statistics, Scotland publications that is not already included?

No / Yes, (if yes, please provide specific details including how this information would be used - free text)

2.6 Is there any information that you would like to see excluded in future Fire Statistics, Scotland publications?

No / Yes, (if yes, please provide specific details with reason)

Section 3: General Comments about Fire Statistics, Scotland

3.1 Please use the space below to provide any additional comments you may have about Fire Statistics, Scotland that have not been covered in this questionnaire?

For example, you may wish to comment on:

- the content

- frequency of publication

- timeliness of publication

Section 4 - Overview of Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland

This section asks about your use of Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland

4.1 Do you currently use Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland?


No, but I may use it in future

No - (if no, skip to the end - any comment)

4.2 In general, how often do you refer to information within Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland on the following topics?

Never Weekly Monthly 3 or 4 times year Twice a year Once a year
Main Points (highlight report)
Number of fire stations
Type of equipment
Number of staff
Gender, age, ethnicity and disability of staff
Attacks on firefighters and injured personnel
Home Fire Safety Visits
Non-Domestic Fire Safety

4.3 What do you currently use the information from Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland for?

(Please tick all that apply)

Reporting about Scotland Tick Box
Reporting about Local Authorities Tick Box
Reporting about other sub-national areas (if so please state which) Free Text
Benchmarking/performance management Tick Box
To provide data on national indicators Tick Box
To provide data on single outcome agreements Tick Box
To assist in policy development and evaluation Tick Box
To assist with research/analysis Tick Box
For general awareness of issues/trends Tick Box
Others Free Text

Section 5 - Changes to Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland

Following the move to the single Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in April 2013, it would no longer be meaningful to present the Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland data for the 8 legacy Scottish Fire and Rescue Service areas. This means we need to make some changes to how we provide the information included in Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland and the format we provide it in.

We will use your responses to this section to inform our decision making on these changes.

Changes to publication format

5.1 We are considering reducing the level of detailed information in the "Commentary" section of Fire and Rescue Service Statistics Scotland and providing this more detailed information in the format of excel tables, published alongside the main report. This would result in a more concise "Commentary" section summarising key points and statistics and the underlying data being more accessible for users to carry out their own analysis.

Would this proposed new publication format meet your requirements?

Yes / No (if no, please provide details of the impact of these changes - free text)

5.2 To inform our decision making on the content of future Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland publications, we would like to understand how you prioritise the information currently provided. Please select the 3 topic areas are of most value to you from the list below:

  • Main Points (highlight report)
  • Number of fire stations
  • Type of equipment
  • Number of staff
  • Gender, age, ethnicity and disability of staff
  • Attacks on firefighters and injured personnel
  • Home Fire Safety Visits
  • Non-Domestic Fire Safety

Changes to data presentation

5.3 Following single service reform, data will no longer be provided at Fire and Rescue Service level. We appreciate that users may still wish to see a sub-national breakdown of the Fire Statistics, Scotland data.

What sub-national levels would you find the key fire and rescue service information useful at?

(Multiple tick)


Local Authority

Other (free text)

5.4 Would this change in responsibility cause you any concern?

No / Yes (if yes, please provide specific details - free text)

5.5 Is there any information that you would like to see included in Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland publications in future?

No / Yes, (if yes, please provide specific details including how this would be used)

5.5 Is there any information that you would like to see excluded in Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland publications in future?

No / Yes, (if yes, please provide specific details with reason)

Section 6: General Comments about Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland

6.1 Please use the space below to provide any additional comments you may have about Fire Statistics, Scotland that have not been covered in this questionnaire?

For example, you may wish to comment on:

- the content

- frequency of publication

- timeliness of publication

Section 7 - Communication preferences

A summary of the results and outcomes of this consultation will be publically available. If you would like to receive an email communication once this information is published, you can do so by signing up to ScotStat and selecting Fire and Rescue Service under your areas of interest. This will also allow you to receive email alerts when the latest Scottish fire publications are available.

You can register for and find out more information about ScotStat using the link below:

If you are already subscribed to Fire and Rescue Service information on ScotStat then you will automatically receive this.

If you would prefer not to register with ScotStat, but would like to be notified about the results of this publication using the email address you provided earlier, please tick the box below.

(tick box)

If you have any other preferences on how the outcome of this publication are communicated, please enter these in the box below.

(free text)

Thank you very much for your feedback


Email: Kirsty Bosley

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