
MGSA Science & Research Working Group - Aquaculture Science & Research Strategy

MGSA S&RWG was tasked to produce a comprehensive research strategy prioritised on respective contribution to informing the sustainable growth of the Scottish aquaculture industry and potential impacts of the 2020 sustainable production targets as detailed


Members of the Ministerial Group for Sustainable Aquaculture - Science and Research Working Group (MGSA-S&R WG) (listed in Annex 01) have given generously of their time and resources to develop this strategy document. The core of the Working Group was drawn from members of the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland ( MASTS) through its Sustainable Aquaculture Research Forum. We are grateful to the MASTS Directorate and Marine Scotland for providing the necessary Secretariat services required to organise Working Group meetings and in delivering the strategy document. We are particularly indebted to those individuals who commented on drafts of the strategy, providing: industry; policy; regulatory; NGO; and wider scientific perspectives on its content. We are also thankful to those members of the Natural Environment Research Council and the Biotechnology and Biological Research Council who engaged with the Working Group Chair, during the development of the strategy.

Report Reference

Ministerial Group for Sustainable Aquaculture - Science and Research Strategy. May 2014. 141pp


The contents of this strategy document are made in good faith and reflect the independent views of its authors and comments derived from consultees. Bibliographic links in the document are accurate and functional at the date of publication of this document. No responsibility is taken for ensuring that these links or the associated documents will remain available thereafter.


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