
Heart Disease Improvement Plan

The Heart Disease Improvement Plan sets out the priorities and actions to deliver improved prevention, treatment and care for all people in Scotland affected by heart disease.

4. Measuring and Monitoring

32. There are already established processes in place that are embedded in the Heart Disease community around monitoring and reporting. Work will continue to ensure that patient outcome measurements are available, to ensure that NHS Boards and MCNs have the appropriate quality improvement information to enable them to measure success against the priorities.

33. The Heart Disease Improvement Plan Co-ordinator, along with the Scottish Government will continue to work closely with, and support Heart Disease MCNs to ensure that the priorities set out in this improvement plan, and wider Heart Disease work, are implemented and monitored.

Board and Heart Disease MCNs Responsibility

34. Heart Disease MCNs are encouraged to develop local improvement plans. As in previous years Heart Disease MCNs, along with their Boards, will be asked to undertake and submit annual self-assessments against the Improvement Plan priorities, and share good practice nationally. These will be assessed by the Improvement Plan Co-ordinator and reported to NACHD who will ensure that MCNs are meeting the priorities, as agreed, and take any necessary action. The Improvement Plan Co-ordinator will be able to offer support to MCNs. The NACHD will if needed highlight any issues of concern with the relevant MCN and in time raise with the Scottish Government if the concerns remain unaddressed. The NACHD does not propose to be prescriptive in terms of annual focus, however, it will seek to be reassured that each Network has a feasible plan to progress the priorities of the improvement plan.


Email: Cheryl McNulty

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