
The Scottish Manual Handling Passport Scheme

The Scottish Manual Handling Passport Scheme (SMHPS) is an initiative designed to improve the standard and consistency of manual handling training / education and the systems (process/procedures) that underpin it within Health Boards and Local Authorities (LA) in Scotland.


1. The Scottish Ambulance Service has specific additional manual handling needs to other organisations, however fully supports the aims and objectives of the SMHPS.

2. SMHPS guidance is based on National Back Exchange (NBE) Standards in Manual Handling 3rd Edition (2010), derived from various authoritative sources e.g. HSE, RCN, CSP, COT, etc.

3. The NHS Scotland Manual Handling Passport and Information Scheme issued under CEL 14 (2011) on 18 March 2011.

4. SMHPS concentrates on the application of health and safety law. There may be other related legislative requirements or standards set by public / professional bodies with which employers / employees need to comply, for example, fitness to practise and registration requirements.

5. The National Back Exchange (NBE) is the professional body for manual handling practitioners in the UK.

6. NBE Standards in Manual Handling 3rd Edition (2010)

7. Contents of training modules are derived from the All Wales Manual Handling Training Passport and Information Scheme and from peer consensus via the Scottish Manual Handling Passport Steering Group.

8. Knowledge Skills Framework

9. Personal Development Plan/Programme

10. Continuing Professional Development



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