
Public Sector Employment in Scotland - Statistics for the 2nd Quarter of 2014

The statistics in this release are based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This is a snapshot of employment as at June 2014. The publication includes information on public sector employment in Scotland with distinctions made for employment in devolved bodies and reserved bodies (located in Scotland).

Table 1: Number of people employed by public and private sector; Scotland, Headcount

Not Seasonally Adjusted

Total Employment Private Sector2 Public Sector
Level Level Percentage of total employment Level Percentage of total employment
Q2 1999 2,245,000 1,699,100 75.7% 545,600 24.3%
Q2 2008 2,536,000 1,939,200 76.5% 596,900 23.5%
Q2 2009 2,480,000 1,844,100 74.3% 636,300 25.7%
Q2 2010 2,448,000 1,820,500 74.4% 627,000 25.6%
Q2 2011 2,489,000 1,886,700 75.8% 601,800 24.2%
Q2 2012 2,465,000 1,880,400 76.3% 584,500 23.7%
Q2 2013 2,520,000 1,940,200 77.0% 580,100 23.0%
Q2 2014 2,614,000 2,069,900 79.2% 544,100 20.8%
Change on year to:
Q2 2014 93,700 129,700 -36,100
% change on year:
Q2 2014 3.7% 6.7% -6.2%


1. Figures have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Total employment has been rounded to the nearest thousand.

2. Private sector is derived as the difference between the Labour Force Survey 'Total employment' workforce based estimate for the whole of Scotland (not seasonally adjusted) and the public sector estimate (derived from individual organisation statistical returns).

3. Due to recent reclassification of Lloyds Banking Group plc from public sector financial institutions to private sector, it has not been possible to produce a public sector series excluding public sector financial institutions without disclosing individual employment figures.

4. Detailed tables showing a full time series of data - all quarters back to Q1 1999 - are available to download from the Public Sector Employment Websection:


Email: Claire Gordon

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