
Fire and Rescue Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin providing the latest statistics on fires, special service incidents, casualties and false alarms attended by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Table 8: Primary fires by location of buildings, 2004-05 to 2013-14p, Scotland2

Other Buildings1 Number
Year Dwellings Other Residential Private garages, sheds, etc Permanent Agricultural Industrial Warehouses and bulk storage Offices and call centres Public admin, security and safety Entertainment, Sport and Culture Food and Drink Retail Education Hospitals and medical care Others Total primary fires in buildings
2004-05 7,048 * 472 92 * * * * * * * 257 * * 10,182
2005-06 7,061 * 586 120 * * * * * * * 226 * * 10,319
2006-07 6,963 * 559 101 * * * * * * * 223 * * 9,850
2007-08 6,666 * 554 94 * * * * * * * 205 * * 9,588
2008-09 6,705 * 443 87 * * * * * * * 231 * * 9,335
2009-10 6,573 612 418 88 301 64 145 87 176 202 328 220 161 206 9,581
2010-11 6,300 599 392 89 329 53 146 112 143 196 307 188 145 139 9,138
2011-12r 6,160 512 428 84 298 38 117 110 157 190 272 164 173 174 8,877
2012-13r 5,834 475 349 86 235 37 104 121 125 145 234 160 152 163 8,220
2013-14p 5,330 447 343 88 220 39 120 113 124 156 232 151 141 176 7,680

p - provisional
r - revised
1 - there has been a change in the recording of "other buildings" - see section 6.5.3 i for details
2 - Figures for primary fires prior to 2009-10 are based on sample data weighted to (former) Fire and Rescue Service totals


Email: Phillipa Haxton

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