
Fire and Rescue Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin providing the latest statistics on fires, special service incidents, casualties and false alarms attended by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Table 1: Fires by location, 2004-05 to 2013-14p, Scotland

Primary Fires1 Primary Total Secondary Fires Chimney Fires All Fires
Year Dwellings Other Buildings Road Vehicles Others
2004-05 7,048 3,134 4,002 966 15,150 27,547 1,474 44,171
2005-06 7,061 3,258 3,868 938 15,125 31,554 1,696 48,375
2006-07 6,963 2,887 3,856 1,052 14,757 32,397 1,430 48,584
2007-08 6,666 2,922 3,064 966 13,618 30,385 1,633 45,636
2008-09 6,705 2,630 2,931 908 13,174 25,651 1,745 40,570
2009-10 6,573 3,008 2,992 1,445 14,018 22,981 1,738 38,737
2010-11 6,300 2,838 2,688 1,372 13,198 24,207 1,565 38,970
2011-12r 6,160 2,717 2,362 1,175 12,414 18,681 1,243 32,338
2012-13r 5,834 2,386 2,034 814 11,068 14,276 1,375 26,719
2013-14p 5,330 2,350 1,936 913 10,529 16,359 1,091 27,979

p - provisional
r - revised
1 - primary fire figures from before 2009-10 are based on sample data weighted to (former) Fire and Rescue Service totals


Email: Phillipa Haxton

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