Obesity Indicators 2014

This publication reports the latest available data for 16 indicators selected to monitor progress for the Prevention of Obesity Route Map. Most indicators are updated up to 2013, but for some indicators data is more or less up-to-date than this.

Proportion of adults who have tried making positive behaviour change in relation to healthy eating and physical activity

Please note that 2011 is the latest data available for this indicator and that figures remain unchanged from the November 2013 report.

Indicator Source: Scottish Health Survey, Knowledge, Attitudes and Motivations (KAM) module


  • In 2011, 50% of adults had either tried to improve their diet, or already had a healthy diet. Within this group, 14% were unable to maintain their improvements (termed 'action'), 24% maintained their improved diet ('maintenance') and 12% already met the five-a-day recommendation, but were not motivated to improve their diet further in the last year ('long-term maintenance').

Motivation to eat more healthily Scotland 1996 - 2011

  • In 2011, 56% of adults had either tried to become more active, or already met the physical activity recommendations. Within this group, 17% were unable to maintain their improvements ('action'), 20% maintained their higher activity ('maintenance'); and 19% already met the physical activity recommendations and were not motivated to become more active ('long-term maintenance').

Motivation to be more physically active Scotland 1996-2011


Desired Outcome:
Increased awareness, knowledge, skills and empowerment.

Relevant Route Map action:
A better understanding of healthy food for the whole population, and using appropriate social marketing to encourage people to be more active.

Indicator Source:
Scottish Health Survey (Knowledge, Attitudes and Motivations (KAM) module).

Geography available:

Equalities data:
Breakdowns by age, gender and (possibly) disability should be available.

Rationale for including this indicator:
The aim of this indicator is to assess levels of awareness of healthy behaviours (in relation to physical activity and eating healthily) amongst the Scottish population, and willingness to sustain such lifestyle changes.

Moderate level of evidence exists in the literature for the effectiveness of mass media activity campaigns and with a high rating for potential population effectiveness. The <acronym>ScotPHN</acronym> engagement process for the Route Map assessed the action as having medium to high impact with low to medium effort.

Factors influencing this indicator:

  • Knowledge and understanding of healthy choices.
  • Availability of opportunities to be more physically active.


Email: Daniel Adams

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