
Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2014: Public Attitudes to Sectarianism in Scotland

This report sets out key findings from the 2014 Scottish Social Attitudes survey (SSA) on public attitudes to sectarianism in Scotland.

Annex A - Detailed Tables

Notes on tables

  • '*' indicates less than 0.5 percent but greater than zero
  • '-' indicates no respondents gave this answer
  • All figures are rounded to the nearest whole number (from 2 decimal places, such that 0.49 rounds down and 0.51 up)

Chapter 2 detailed tables

Table A.1: Sample sizes for SSA by year (1999 to 2014)

Year Sample size
1999 1,482
2000 1,663
2001 1,605
2002 1,665
2003 1,508
2004 1,637
2005 1,549
2006 1,594
2007 1,508
2009 1,482
2010 1,495
2011 1,197
2012 1,229
2013 1,497
2014 1,501

Table A.2: Religious belonging (2013 & 2014)

2013 2014
% %
Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion?
No religion 54 44
Christian- no denomination 7 11
Roman Catholic 13 14
Church of England / Anglican / Episcopal / Church of Wales 1 2
Church of Scotland 18 21
Free Church / Free Presbyterian 1 *
Methodist- including Wesleyan * *
Baptist * *
United Reformed Church / Congregational - *
Brethren * *
Other Protestant (write in) 1 1
Other Christian (write in) * *
Jewish * -
Hindu * 1
Islam / Muslim 2 3
Sikh * *
Buddhist * *
Other non-Christian (write in ) 1 1
(Don't know) * *
Refusal * *
Sample size 1496 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.3: Family religion (2013 & 2014)

2013 2014
% %
In what religion, if any, were you brought up?
No religion 23 19
Christian- no denomination 10 11
Roman Catholic 19 20
Church of England / Anglican / Episcopal / Church of Wales 5 6
Church of Scotland 35 36
Free Church / Free Presbyterian 1 1
Methodist- including Wesleyan * 1
Baptist * *
United Reformed Church / Congregational * 1
Brethren * *
Other Protestant (write in) 2 2
Other Christian (write in) 1 *
Jewish * -
Hindu 1 1
Islam / Muslim 2 3
Sikh * *
Buddhist - 1
Other non-Christian (write in) - *
(Don't know) * -
Refusal - -
Sample size 1494 1501

Table A.4: Frequency of attendance at religious services

Apart from such special occasions as weddings, funerals and baptisms and so on, how often nowadays do you attend services or meetings connected with your religion?
Once a week or more 13
Less often but at least once in two weeks 3
Less often but at least once a month 6
Less often but at least twice a year 9
Less often but at least once a year 6
Less often 6
Never or practically never 54
Varies too much to say 2
Don't know *
Refused *
Sample size 1260

Base: all adults who said they belong to a religion or were brought up in a religion

Table A.5: Religious identity

Do you think of yourself as any of the following?
Protestant 30
Catholic 15
Christian (but neither Protestant nor Catholic) 15
Muslim 3
Jewish -
Hindu 1
Sikh *
Buddhist *
Spiritualist *
Atheist 1
Belonging to another religion (WRITE IN) 1
Having no religion 33
Don't know *
Refusal *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.6: How religious would you say you are?

How religious would you say you are?
Very religious 8
Fairly religious 41
Not very religious 41
Not at all religious 10
Don't know *
Refused -
Sample size 1017

Base: all adults who identified themselves with a religion

Table A.7: Importance of religion to identity


Please say how much you agree or disagree with the following statement.

Being {RelID} is an important part of who I am.

Where {RelID} is a textfill using religious identities from table A.4

Agree strongly 17
Agree 33
Neither agree nor disagree 26
Disagree 19
Disagree strongly 4
Don't know *
Refused *
Sample size 1495

Base: all adults who identified themselves with a religion or no religion

Table A.8: Who one knows who is Catholic


Thinking about the people you know, which of them, if any, are Catholic?

Multicoded (Maximum of 7 codes)

I don't know anyone who is Catholic 7
Partner / spouse 14
Parents / brother / sister/ son / daughter 26
In-laws 23
Other relatives 43
A friend, or friends, I know fairly well 69
Friends or acquaintances I know less well 51
People at my work 33
Don't know 2
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.9: Who one knows who is Protestant


Thinking about the people you know, which of them, if any, are Protestant?

Multicoded (Maximum of 7 codes)

I don't know anyone who is Protestant 10
Partner / spouse 23
Parents / brother / sister/ son / daughter 43
In-laws 32
Other relatives 56
A friend, or friends, I know fairly well 71
Friends or acquaintances I know less well 55
People at my work 35
Don't know 3
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.10: Family connections with Ireland or Northern Ireland

Do you have any family connections with Ireland or Northern Ireland?
Yes 25
No 75
Don't know *
Refused *
Sample size 1486

Base: all adults excluding those born in Ireland or Northern Ireland

Table A.11: Support for Scottish football club


Which Scottish football clubs, if any, do you support? Please include non-league clubs.

Multicoded (Maximum of 3 codes)

None 58
Aberdeen 3
Celtic 12
Dundee 1
Dundee United 1
Dunfermline Athletic 1
Falkirk *
Heart of Midlothian 3
Hibernian 1
Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2
Kilmarnock 1
Motherwell *
Partick Thistle 1
Rangers 12
Ross County 1
St. Johnstone 1
St. Mirren 1
Other, Please write in 5
(Don't know) -
Refusal *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Chapter 3 detailed tables

Table A.12: Perceived level of prejudice against Catholics in Scotland

How much prejudice do you think there is against Catholics in Scotland nowadays?
A great deal 4
Quite a lot 17
Some 34
Not very much 32
None at all 5
Don't know 8
Refused -
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.13: Perceived level of prejudice against Protestants in Scotland

How much prejudice do you think there is against Protestants in Scotland nowadays?
A great deal 3
Quite a lot 9
Some 29
Not very much 41
None at all 10
Don't know 8
Refused -
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.14: Perceived level of job discrimination against Catholics in Scotland

Some people think that being a Catholic may stop someone getting the job or promotion they deserve.
Thinking about Scotland today how often, if at all, do you think this happens?
A lot of the time 2
Some of the time 22
Hardly ever 43
Never 24
Don't know 8
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.15: Perceived level of job discrimination against Protestants in Scotland

And some people think that being a Protestant may stop someone getting the job or promotion they deserve.
Thinking about Scotland today how often, if at all, do you think this happens?
A lot of the time *
Some of the time 16
Hardly ever 49
Never 26
Don't know 8
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.16: Perceived likelihood of harassment for being Catholic in local area

Thinking about your local area, how likely, or unlikely, do you think it is that someone would be harassed or threatened nowadays for being Catholic?
Very likely 2
Quite likely 7
Quite unlikely 31
Very unlikely 56
Don't know 4
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.17: Perceived likelihood of harassment for being Protestant in local area

Still thinking about your local area, how likely, or unlikely, do you think it is that someone would be harassed or threatened nowadays for being Protestant?
Very likely 2
Quite likely 6
Quite unlikely 29
Very unlikely 59
Don't know 4
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.18: Perceived likelihood of harassment for being Catholic in Scotland

Now thinking about Scotland more widely, how likely, or unlikely, do you think it is that someone would be harassed or threatened for being Catholic?
Very likely 4
Quite likely 31
Quite unlikely 39
Very unlikely 18
Don't know 7
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.19: Perceived likelihood of harassment for being Protestant in Scotland

Still thinking about Scotland more widely, how likely, or unlikely, do you think it is that someone would be harassed or threatened for being Protestant?
Very likely 3
Quite likely 25
Quite unlikely 42
Very unlikely 22
Don't know 7
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.20: Perceptions of how widespread a problem sectarianism is


I am now going to ask some questions about sectarianism. As you may know, sectarianism is a term used to describe division, bigotry and discrimination rooted in religion. For the purposes of this survey, I would like you to think only about divisions between followers of different Christian traditions, such as Protestants and Catholics.

Which of these statements comes closest to your view...READ OUT...

Sectarianism is a problem throughout the whole of Scotland 19
Sectarianism is only a problem in parts of Scotland 69
Sectarianism is not a problem in Scotland at all 8
Don't know 4
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Response categories reversed for half of the sample

Table A.21: Where sectarianism is perceived to be a problem?


In which parts of Scotland do you think sectarianism is a problem?

Coded by interviewer - no show card

Multicoded (Maximum of 13 codes)

Glasgow 70
West coast / west of Scotland 38
Strathclyde 13
Ayrshire 6
Fife 3
Lanarkshire 12
West Lothian 4
Highlands 4
Edinburgh 15
Central belt 18
Cities / urban areas 11
Rural areas 3
Other (write in) 7
Don't know 5
Refused *
Sample size 1073

Base: all who said sectarianism was only a problem in parts of Scotland

Table A.22: Perceptions of change in relationships between Protestants and Catholics in Scotland

Do you think that relationships between Protestants and Catholics in Scotland are better, worse, or about the same as they were 10 years ago?
Better 47
Worse 3
About the same 40
Don't know 10
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.23: Level of agreement that sectarianism will always exist in Scotland


Please say how much you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Sectarianism will always exist in Scotland.

Agree strongly 9
Agree 57
Neither agree nor disagree 13
Disagree 15
Disagree strongly 2
Don't know 3
Refused -
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Chapter 4 detailed tables

Table A.24: What contributes to sectarianism


From what you have seen, read or heard, which of these, if any, would you say contribute to sectarianism in Scotland?

Multicoded (Maximum of 13 codes)

Newspapers, television or the radio 34
The internet and social media 37
Rugby 3
Football 88
Golf 1
Orange Order marches 79
Irish Republican marches 70
Denominational schools 37
Non-denominational schools 8
The police 8
Churches 27
Events in Ireland 51
Other (WRITE IN) 4
(None of these) *
Don't know 3
Refused -
Sample size 1385

Base: all who said sectarianism is a problem throughout or in parts of Scotland
Order of response categories reversed for half of the sample

Table A.25: And which would you say contributes the most to sectarianism in Scotland?

2014 2014
% %
And which would you say contributes the most to sectarianism in Scotland? Including single responses from previous question Excluding single responses from previous question
Newspapers, television or the radio 4 4
The internet and social media 4 4
Rugby * *
Football 57 55
Golf - -
Orange Order marches 14 13
Irish Republican marches 3 3
Denominational schools 6 5
Non-denominational schools * *
The police * *
Churches 3 3
Events in Ireland 4 4
Other (WRITE IN) 2 2
(None of these) 1 1
Don't know 1 4
Refused - -
Sample size 1290 1385

Base: all who gave more than one answer to previous question / all who said sectarianism is a problem throughout or in parts of Scotland
Order of response categories as for previous question

Table A.26: Perceptions of who is best placed to address sectarian attitudes


Some people think it is important to address sectarian attitudes in Scotland. Who do you think is best placed to do that? Please choose up to 3 answers from the card.

Multicoded (Maximum of 3 codes)

Families / parents 58
Football authorities 29
Individual football clubs 28
Churches 22
The police 14
Local community organisations 19
Schools 55
Local authorities 15
The Scottish Government 31
Other (WRITE IN) *
(None of these) -
Don't know 3
Refused -
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults
Order of response categories reversed for half of the sample

Table A.27: Perceptions of level of Government attention to sectarianism (2014)

Thinking about sectarian divisions between Protestants and Catholics in Scotland, would you say that the Scottish Government gives these too much attention, too little attention or about the right amount of attention?
Too much attention 10
Too little attention 31
About the right amount of attention 47
Don't know 11
Refused 1
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.28: Perceptions of level of Scottish Parliament attention to sectarianism (2003)


Please say how much you agree or disagree with the following statement:

The Scottish Parliament is too concerned about sectarian divisions between Protestants and Catholics in Scotland

Agree strongly 3
Agree 18
Neither agree nor disagree 31
Disagree 35
Disagree strongly 4
Can't choose/ Don't know 8
Not answered 2
Sample size 1324

Base: all who completed self-completion

Chapter 5 detailed tables

Table A.29: Support for and opposition to the right of loyalist organisations to march along public streets


The next two questions are about loyalist or Orange Order marches, and Irish republican marches in Scotland.

How much do you support or oppose the right of loyalist organisations, such as the Orange Order, to march along public streets in Scotland?

Strongly support 3
Support 11
Neither support not oppose 31
Oppose 22
Strongly oppose 31
Don't know 2
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.30: Support for and opposition to the right of Irish republican organisations to march along public streets

And how much do you support or oppose the right of Irish republican organisations, such as Cairde na hÉireann, to march along public streets in Scotland?
Strongly support 1
Support 10
Neither support not oppose 30
Oppose 25
Strongly oppose 32
Don't know 2
Refused *
Sample size 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.31: Support for and opposition to denominational schools

2007 2014
% %
How much do you support or oppose having some schools that are linked to a particular religious denomination, such as Roman Catholic?
Strongly support 5 6
Support 19 18
Neither support not oppose 24 31
Oppose 29 22
Strongly oppose 21 21
Don't know 2 1
Refused - *
Sample size 1508 1501

Base: all adults

Table A.32: Acceptability of jokes about Protestants or Catholics

Would you say that jokes about Protestants or Catholics are ...
Always acceptable 5
Acceptable if they don't offend anyone who hears them 34
Never acceptable 35
(It depends) 20
(Can't choose) 6
Refused 1
Sample size 1428

Base: all who completed self-completion

Table A.33: Acceptability of jokes about Muslims

Would you say that jokes about Muslims are ...
Always acceptable 4
Acceptable if they don't offend anyone who hears them 29
Never acceptable 42
(It depends) 19
(Can't choose) 6
Refused 1
Sample size 1428

Base: all who completed self-completion

Table A.34: Acceptability of the term "Fenian" in casual conversation

Imagine a friend who was not Catholic came round to your home and casually used the term 'Fenian' during the course of the conversation to describe someone who was Catholic. Would you find it acceptable or unacceptable?
Find it acceptable 9
Find it unacceptable but say nothing 18
Find it unacceptable and say so 40
(It depends) 12
(I have never heard of the term 'Fenian' to describe a Catholic) 14
(Can't choose) 7
Refused 1
Sample size 1428

Base: all who completed self-completion

Table A.35: Acceptability of the term "Hun" in casual conversation

And what if a friend who was not Protestant casually used the term 'Hun' during the course of the conversation to describe someone who was Protestant? Would you find this was acceptable or unacceptable?
Find it acceptable 8
Find it unacceptable but say nothing 18
Find it unacceptable and say so 40
(It depends) 12
(I have never heard of the term 'Hun' to describe a Protestant) 14
(Can't choose) 7
Refused 1
Sample size 1428

Base: all who completed self-completion

Table A.36: Whether happy or not for a Catholic to join the family

2003 2014
% %

Some people say they would be happy if a close relative of theirs married or formed a long-term relationship with a Catholic, while others say they would be unhappy about this even if the couple themselves were happy.

How would you feel if a close relative of yours married or formed a long-term relationship with a Catholic?

Very happy 31 25
Happy 33 19
Neither happy not unhappy 32 46
Unhappy 3 2
Very unhappy 1 *
It depends * 4
Can't choose * 3
Refused * 1
Sample size 1508 1240

Base: 2014 - all who did not identify themselves as Catholic and who completed self-completion
Base: 2003 - all adults (face-to-face)

Table A.37: Whether happy or not for a Protestant to join the family

2003 2014
% %
And how would you feel if a close relative of yours married or formed a long-term relationship with a Protestant?
Very happy 32 24
Happy 36 18
Neither happy not unhappy 30 50
Unhappy 1 1
Very happy * *
It depends 1 3
Can't choose * 3
Refused * 1
Sample size 1508 936

Base: 2014 - all who did not identify themselves as Protestant and who completed self-completion
Base: 2003 - all adults (face-to-face)

Table A.38: Whether more comfortable around people with similar religious beliefs to themselves


Please say how much you agree or disagree with the following statement.

I am more comfortable around people with similar religious beliefs to my own.

(If no religious beliefs: I am more comfortable around people with no religious beliefs)

Agree strongly 10
Agree 14
Neither agree nor disagree 44
Disagree 17
Disagree strongly 12
Don't know 3
Refused *
Sample size 1428

Base: those who completed self-completion

Chapter 6 detailed tables

Table A.39: Personal experience of religious discrimination


Have any of the following things ever happened to you because of other people's attitudes towards your own religious beliefs or religious background?

Multicoded (Maximum of 4 codes)

Not attended or not been invited to social events (such as weddings, going out with friends, or children's school-based activities) 5
Been refused a job, overlooked for promotion or treated unfairly at work 5
Been harassed or threatened 7
None of these 80
(Can't choose) 4
Refused 1
Sample size 1428

Base: those who completed self-completion

Table A.40: Whether ever thought twice about revealing religion (or lack of it)


Have you ever thought twice about telling someone you are a {RelID}, because of concern about what they might think?

Where {RelID} is a textfill using religious identity from table A.4

Yes, often 3
Yes, occassionally 11
No 83
(Can't choose) 2
Refused 1
Sample size 1428

Base: those who completed self-completion


Email: Linzie Liddell

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