
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin providing information on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. Topics covered include Home Fire Safety Visits, stations, equipment, workforce and attacks on personnel at incidents.

Table 5: Number of SFRS appliances by type as of 31 March, 2013 to 2014, Scotland

Type of Appliance 2013 2014
Operational - Other
Pumping Appliances 465 452
Combined Aerial and Pumping Appliances3 28 31
Fire Boats1 22
Vehicles Primarily for Rescue Work 15 19
Small Firefighting Vehicles 30 29
Other 23 25
Operational - Resilience4
Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) 5 2
High Volume Pumps (HVPs) 4 2
Incident Response Units (IRUs) 5 5
Incident Command Units (ICUs) / Control Units (CUs) 11 6
Detection, Identification & Monitoring (DIMs) 4 4
Decontamination Unit (DeConU) 6 2
Chemical Incident Unit (CIU) 2 -
Total Resilience 37 21
Total Operational 620 577
Other Fleet Vehicles (includes leased vehicles) 805 628
Reserve Appliances 59 65
Training Appliances 31 31
Total Non-operational 895 724
Total 1,515 1,301


1 - The SFRS have not been able to provide this data for 2014 - see section 4.3 for further information

2 - Vehicles data shared with CIPFA statistics on behalf of SFRS

3 - During collection of the 2014 data, some notable differences in how certain appliances were previously categorised by the 8 former FRSs were discovered. Where possible, 2013 data has been recategorised so that it is comparable with the 2014 data (see table below), with no change to the total number of appliances for 2013. Please note that it has not been possible to do this in all cases so some of the differences between the 2013 and 2014 data in the table above will be due to recording differences as opposed to real year-on-year changes. Revisions are summarised below:

Type of Appliance Original 2013 figure Revised 2013 figure Difference
Pumping Appliances 449 465 +16
Combined Aerial and Pumping Appliances 22 28 +6
Vehicles Primarily for Rescue Work 31 15 -16
Other operational appliances - total (breakdown not shown in SG pub) 29 23 -6

4 - It is thought that in 2013, a number of demountable "pods" were incorrectly included as resilence "vehicles" in the return. These have not been included in the 2013-14 return as per CIPFA guidance for both years. It is not possible to know how many of these were included in the 2013 return as Scottish Government does not have access to the raw data held by the former regional FRS areas. However, it is probable that at least some of the year-on-year differences in the number of resilience vehicles are due to such items being incorrectly included in the 2013 return but excluded in 2014. This does not mean threre has not been a change in the number of such vehicles, but that the change in recording practice is likely to be partly responsible for the difference.


Email: Phillipa Haxton

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