
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Fire Safety and Organisational Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin providing information on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. Topics covered include Home Fire Safety Visits, stations, equipment, workforce and attacks on personnel at incidents.

1. Introduction

This publication presents information on the fire safety activity, stations, appliances and workforce of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), including attacks on SFRS personnel. The bulletin presents data from 2009-10 onwards at Scotland level and at local authority level for 2013-14. Workforce data for 2013-14 is presented using the organisational structure of the SFRS.

On the 1st April 2013, the SFRS replaced the eight former Fire and Rescue Services (FRSs) of Scotland. The statistics in this publication cover the first year following the establishment of the SFRS. As a result, this is the first year that the publication includes statistics at local authority level, in place of former FRS level breakdowns.

Information on workforce, stations and appliances is presented as at 31 March each year. Information on fire safety activity and attacks on SFRS personnel is presented in financial years, according to how this information is recorded. Respondents to our 2014 user consultation reported using these statistics to inform research and analysis, to report on Scotland and local authority areas, for benchmarking, performance management and for policy development and evaluation.

Chart 1 - Fire and Rescue Service Headcount as at 31 March, 2010 to 2014

Chart 1 - Fire and Rescue Service Headcount as at 31 March, 2010 to 2014


Email: Phillipa Haxton

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