Criminal justice social work statistics in Scotland: 2013-14

An annual publication of statistics on community payback and other social work orders, including breaches and terminations of orders, as well as criminal justice social work (CJSW) reports and other areas of CJSW.

Table 9 Community payback orders commenced by type of court: 2012-13 & 2013-14

2012-132 2013-14
Total 16,057 18,599
High/appeal 76 78
Sheriff solemn1 819 864
Sheriff summary1 14,089 16,473
Stipendiary magistrates 376 532
Justice of the peace 377 573
Outwith Scotland 76 79
Not known 244 -
Total 100.0 100.0
High/appeal 0.5 0.4
Sheriff solemn1 5.2 4.6
Sheriff summary1 89.1 88.6
Stipendiary magistrates 2.4 2.9
Justice of the peace 2.4 3.1
Outwith Scotland 0.5 0.4

1. Figures for sheriff solemn and sheriff summary include estimates where local authorities were not able to distinguish between solemn and summary.

2. Revisions were made to the 2012-13 data and, as a consequence, the court type for some orders was unknown. The percentages are therefore calculated on the total orders where the court type was known.


Email: Alan Fleming

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