
Reconviction Rates in Scotland: 2012-13 Offender Cohort

This publication provides analyses of trends in reconviction figures up to the latest cohort of 2012-13.

Table 4: Reconviction rates and average number of reconvictions per offender, males by age

Age Number of offenders1 Reconviction rate Average number of reconvictions per offender
Under 21
1997-98 12,076 44.2 0.98
1998-99 11,283 43.9 0.96
1999-00 10,195 42.6 0.90
2000-01 9,600 42.6 0.89
2001-02 9,781 42.7 0.92
2002-03 9,620 43.0 0.92
2003-04 9,810 42.2 0.84
2004-05 10,159 41.0 0.83
2005-06 10,488 43.3 0.84
2006-07 10,991 42.3 0.82
2007-08 10,677 39.7 0.75
2008-09 9,230 39.7 0.76
2009-10 7,981 38.6 0.71
2010-11 7,052 38.0 0.69
2011-12 6,346 36.8 0.66
2012-13 5,194 34.6 0.59
21 to 25
1997-98 10,557 34.8 0.62
1998-99 9,214 35.0 0.66
1999-00 8,038 35.2 0.65
2000-01 7,695 36.0 0.67
2001-02 8,091 37.2 0.72
2002-03 8,441 37.8 0.75
2003-04 8,785 37.0 0.72
2004-05 8,942 36.7 0.71
2005-06 9,002 35.9 0.68
2006-07 9,582 35.9 0.66
2007-08 9,426 34.9 0.63
2008-09 8,553 35.1 0.65
2009-10 8,318 34.7 0.62
2010-11 7,602 33.8 0.60
2011-12 7,619 31.9 0.56
2012-13 7,148 31.7 0.53
26 to 30
1997-98 8,146 30.7 0.54
1998-99 7,349 30.8 0.55
1999-00 6,308 31.8 0.55
2000-01 5,817 31.8 0.57
2001-02 6,010 34.2 0.64
2002-03 5,970 35.4 0.66
2003-04 5,995 36.6 0.68
2004-05 6,258 34.8 0.67
2005-06 6,229 35.5 0.65
2006-07 6,641 35.2 0.66
2007-08 6,837 34.2 0.64
2008-09 6,568 35.4 0.69
2009-10 6,500 33.2 0.62
2010-11 6,175 34.4 0.66
2011-12 6,125 33.5 0.64
2012-13 6,178 31.7 0.57
31 to 40
1997-98 9,499 26.0 0.45
1998-99 8,990 26.2 0.46
1999-00 8,349 25.5 0.42
2000-01 7,786 25.8 0.43
2001-02 8,365 26.9 0.46
2002-03 8,621 28.1 0.49
2003-04 9,268 29.4 0.51
2004-05 9,832 29.8 0.51
2005-06 9,778 29.5 0.52
2006-07 10,322 29.8 0.52
2007-08 9,962 29.3 0.53
2008-09 9,530 31.0 0.58
2009-10 9,121 31.5 0.57
2010-11 8,720 31.5 0.58
2011-12 8,751 31.7 0.61
2012-13 8,632 30.8 0.59
Over 40
1997-98 5,424 19.2 0.35
1998-99 4,999 18.8 0.32
1999-00 4,668 17.2 0.29
2000-01 4,370 18.6 0.31
2001-02 4,717 17.9 0.31
2002-03 5,128 18.6 0.31
2003-04 5,652 17.9 0.31
2004-05 6,330 19.5 0.33
2005-06 6,705 19.8 0.32
2006-07 7,221 20.0 0.34
2007-08 7,478 20.0 0.34
2008-09 7,544 20.3 0.36
2009-10 7,480 19.9 0.35
2010-11 7,443 20.4 0.36
2011-12 7,594 21.1 0.37
2012-13 7,516 21.2 0.37

1. There were a small number of offenders (2 per cohort on average) where their age could not be determined. These offenders aren't included in this table.


Email: Andrew Morgan

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