
Reconviction Rates in Scotland: 2012-13 Offender Cohort

This publication provides analyses of trends in reconviction figures up to the latest cohort of 2012-13.

Annex D: Characteristics of offenders with an index disposal of a Community Payback Order or a legacy community order between 2009-10 and 2012-13

D1 This section details how different characteristics of offenders with an index disposal of a Community Payback Order (CPOs) or a legacy community order (Community Service Orders (CSO) and Probation Orders (PO)) have changed during the transition period from the legacy orders to CPOs. CPOs were introduced on 1st February 2011 and legacy orders are now only given for offences committed prior to 1st February 2011. The characteristics for offenders given the legacy orders in 2009-10 prior to the transition period are also given for comparison.

D2 As detailed below, during the transition period between 2010-11 and up to the most recent cohort of 2012-13, the legacy community orders and CPOs have both shown increased percentages of the types of offenders that generally have a lower likelihood of being reconvicted i.e. more females, more older offenders, and more offenders with no previous convictions. This may explain, in part, why the reconviction rates of both disposal types decreased during the transition period. The legacy community orders, in particular, have shown large increases in the proportion of these types of offenders, which may be why the reconviction rates of the legacy orders were very low in 2012-13.

Number of previous convictions

D3 Offenders with no, or very few, previous convictions tend to have lower reconviction rates than offenders with more previous convictions (see Table 10).

D4 For CPO index disposals, the percentage of offenders with no previous convictions increased by 2.4 percentage points from 21.9 per cent of offenders in 2010-11 to 24.3 per cent of offenders in 2012-13, and in the same period the percentage of offenders with over 10 previous convictions decreased by 1 percentage point from 19.7 per cent of offenders to 18.7 per cent (Table D1).

D5 Legacy community order index disposals showed a large increase in the percentage of offenders with no previous convictions and a decrease in the percentage of offenders with more than 10 previous conviction from 2009-10 (prior to the introduction of the CPOs) to 2012-13. The percentage of offenders with no previous convictions increased by 20.3 percentage points from 27.5 per cent in 2009-10 to 47.8 per cent in 2012-13, and the percentage of offenders with more than 10 previous convictions decreased by 5.2 percentage points (Table D1).

D6 In 2012-13, which is nearing the end of the transition period, more offenders with a CPO index disposal have over 10 previous convictions than offenders with a legacy order index disposal did in 2009-10. In 2012-13, 18.7 per cent of offenders with a CPO index disposal had more than 10 previous convictions, compared to 16 per cent of offenders with a legacy order index disposal in 2009-10. Additionally, a smaller percentage of offenders with a CPO index disposal in 2012-13 had no previous convictions (24.3 per cent), compared to those with legacy orders in 2009-10 (27.5 per cent).

Table D1 Percentages of offenders by numbers of previous convictions within each financial year for index disposals of legacy community orders and CPOs

Index Disposal Number of offenders Percentage of each group within financial year
Number of previous convictions
None 1 to 2 3 to 10 over 10
2009-10 - - - - -
2010-11 178 21.9 24.2 34.3 19.7
2011-12 6192 23.1 22.7 34.3 19.9
2012-13 9511 24.3 22 35 18.7
2009-10 8679 27.5 23.7 32.7 16
2010-11 8264 26.5 23.6 33.2 16.7
2011-12 3700 31.4 23 31 14.7
2012-13 638 47.8 21 20.4 10.8


D7 Females generally have lower reconviction rates than males (Table 2).

D8 The CPO index disposals had a slight increase of in the percentage of females, by 1.9 percentage points, from 14 per cent in 2010-11 to 15.9 per cent in 2012-13 (Annex Table D2).

D9 Legacy community order index disposals had an increase in the percentage of females from 18.8 in 2009-10 prior to the introduction of the CPOs, to 36.1 per cent in 2012-13, an increase of 17.3 percentage points (Annex Table D2).

D10 In 2012-13, which is nearing the end of the transition period, a smaller percentage of females have a CPO index disposal than offenders with a legacy orders index disposal did 2009-10 prior to the transition. In 2012-13, 15.9 per cent of offenders with a CPOs index disposal were female, compared to 18.8 per cent of offenders with a legacy order disposal in 2009-10.

Table D2 Percentages of offenders by gender within each financial year for index disposals of legacy community orders and CPOs.

Index Disposal Number of offenders Percentage of each group within financial year
Male Female
2009-10 - - -
2010-11 178 86 14
2011-12 6192 85.9 14.1
2012-13 9511 84.1 15.9
2009-10 8679 81.2 18.8
2010-11 8264 82.1 17.9
2011-12 3700 77.4 22.6
2012-13 638 63.9 36.1


D11 Younger offenders generally have higher reconviction rates than older offenders (Table 3).

D12 CPO index disposals had a decrease in the percentage of offenders under the age of 21, from 24.7 per cent in 2010-11 to 18.6 per cent in 2012-13, a decrease of 6.1 percentage points. The percentage of offenders in all the other age groups showed a slight increase in the same period (Annex Table D3).

D13 Legacy community orders index disposals had a large decrease in the percentage of offenders under the age of 21 from 24.5 in 2009-10, to 8.9 per cent in 2012-13, a decrease of 15.6 percentage points. In the same period the percentage of offenders over 40 increased 22.5 percentage points from 17.5 per cent to 40 per cent (Annex Table D3).

Table D3 Percentages of offenders by age within each financial year for index disposals of legacy community orders and CPOs.

Index Disposal Number of offenders Percentage of each group within financial year
Under 21 21 to 25 26 to 30 31 to 40 Over 40
2009-10 - - - - - -
2010-11 178 24.7 20.8 16.3 21.3 16.9
2011-12 6192 21.9 22 15.7 22.7 17.7
2012-13 9511 18.6 21.2 17.7 23.9 18.6
2009-10 8679 24.5 20.1 16.2 21.6 17.5
2010-11 8264 23.4 20.6 15.6 21.8 18.6
2011-12 3700 19.8 20.4 15.4 23 21.4
2012-13 638 8.9 15.5 14.3 21.3 40


Email: Andrew Morgan

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