
Oral Health Improvement and Dental Services in Scottish Prisons

Guidance for NHS Boards on oral health improvement and dental services in Scottish Prisons.

8. References

1. Scottish Executive, (2005). Action Plan for improving oral health and modernising NHS dental services in Scotland.

2. Scottish Government, (2008). Equally Well, Report of the ministerial taskforce on health inequalities,

3. Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act (2010). Part 5. Medical Services in Prisons.

4. Scottish Prison Service.

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10. Jones et al. (2002) Scottish Prisons' Dental Health Survey, Scottish Executive, 2004.

11. Freeman, R., et al. (2012) The Oral Health and Psychosocial Needs of Scottish Prisoners and Young Offenders. Scottish Oral Health Improvement in Prison Programme.

12. British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry, (2009). Delivering Better Oral Health. An evidence-based toolkit for prevention, 2nd edition, Department of Health.

13. NHS Health Scotland, (2014). Mouth Matters: Better oral care for offenders.

14. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, (2006). Diagnosis and management of health and neck cancer. A national clinical guideline. (SIGN 90). NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

15. Ash Scotland, (2012). Oral Health and Transcultural Tobacco. A guide for health professionals & transcultural tobacco users. NHS Lothian and ASH Scotland.

16. NHS Health Scotland. Tobacco.

17. Akbar, T., Turner, S., Themessl-Huber, M., and Freeman R., (2012). The Evaluation of HMP Shotts' Oral Health Improvement Project. University of Dundee.

18. Scottish Public Health Network, (2012) Better health, better lives for prisoners: A framework for improving the health of Scotland's prisoners.

19. British Dental Association, (2012). Oral healthcare in prisons and secure settings in Scotland.

20. National Memorandum of Understanding, (2012).

21. Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme, (2013). Management of Acute Dental Problems; Guidance for healthcare professionals.

22. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons, (2006). Standards Used in the Inspection of Prisons in Scotland.

23. Practitioner Services Division, Statement of Dental Remuneration.

24. HM Prisons Service, (2003). Strategy for modernising dental services for prisoners in England. Department of Health.

25. Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme, (2007). Emergency Dental Care - Practice Guide.

26. NHS Primary Care Contracting/ Faculty of General Dental Practice, (2006) Guidelines for the appointment of dentists with special interests (DwSIs) in prison dentistry.Department of Health.


Email: Elizabeth Mclear

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