
Which ethnic groups have the poorest health?

This report examines differences in the health of ethnic groups in Scotland and uses census health data to identify variations between groups. The analysis employs age-standardised rates to compare people of similar age, which avoids the often misleading direct comparisons between populations with very different age structures.


1. In this paper 'older men' or 'older women' refers to those aged '65 or over'

2. This report will refer to those who identified as the census category 'White: Gypsy/Traveller' group as 'Gypsy/Travellers'

3. This report will refer to 'long-term limiting health problems or disability' as 'health problems or disability' and will cover those who said they were limited 'a little' or 'a lot'.

4. This report will refer to those who said they had 'bad' or 'very bad' general health as having 'poor general health'

5. Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity 'Which Ethnic Groups Have The Poorest Health?'

6. Ethnic Minorities: Key Points

7. Equally Well

8. See Annex A

9. Scotland's Census

10. Analysis of Equality Results in the 2011 Census

11. Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity 'Which Ethnic Groups Have The Poorest Health?'

12. The Scotland analysis splits the 16-64 group in to three separate age bands

13. Scottish Health Survey

14. Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity 'Which Ethnic Groups Have The Poorest Health?'

15. The same question on long-term limiting health problem or disability was asked in England and Wales

16. The England and Wales analysis shows rates relative to the 'White: British' group

17. The Scotland analysis shows rates relative to the 'White: Scottish' group


Email: Jon Hunter

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