
Recorded Crime in Scotland, 2014-15

Official Statistics Bulletin presents statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police in Scotland. It forms part of the Scottish Government series of statistical bulletins on the criminal justice system. Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police provide a measure of the volume of criminal activity with which the police are faced.

Notes for Tables

1. Table 3 only - SCJS statistically significant changes (at 95% confidence interval) shown in bold.

2. This table can be accessed at local authority level online via the following link:

3. Includes Murder, and Culpable homicide (common law), which includes Causing death by dangerous driving, Causing death by careless driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, Causing death by careless driving, Illegal driver involved in fatal accident and Corporate homicide.

4. For the definition of Serious assault and the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Paragraph 6.9 within Annex 1.

5. Implementation of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act on 1 December 2010 affected the comparability of the breakdown of Sexual crimes over time. For further information please see the 'Data Considerations' section under Sexual crimes within Chapter 3.

6. Includes dwellings, non-dwellings and other premises. For a more detailed definition see Paragraph 6.11 within Annex 1.

7. Since 2013-14, not all offence categories are comparable with previous years data. Please see Annex 2 for further information.

8. Includes Breach of the peace, Threatening or abusive behaviour, Offence of stalking, Offensive behaviour at football and Threatening communications (Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012).

9. The definition of cleared up can be found in Paragraph 6.16 within Annex 1.

10. Due to comparability issues, it is not possible to compare data with years prior to 2008-09. Further detail can be found in Annex 2.

11. Population estimates are as at mid-year 2014 from the National Records of Scotland (

12. For a detailed definition of housebreaking see Paragraph 6.11 within Annex 1.

13. Offence introduced in October 2010; therefore caution should be exercised when comparing 2010-11 with the rest of this time series as 2010-11 does not comprise a full year of data.

14. Offence introduced in March 2012; therefore caution should be exercised when comparing 2011-12 with the rest of this time series as 2011-12 does not comprise a full year of data.


Email: Keith Paterson

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