
Main Report of the National Review of Primary Care Out of Hours Services

The Main Report of the National Review of Primary Care Out of Hours Services setting out the approach, detailed findings and rationale for the recommendations proposed together with a range of supporting documentation provided in annexes.

Annex C: Key NHS Financial Data

Aggregated Costs

The annual cost reported by Scotland's territorial Boards in 2014/2015 was £81.8 million, which saw a significant rise of 6% from the previous financial year. NHS 24 incurred costs of £40.4 million, giving a total of £122.2 million invested in supporting OOH care across Scotland. By comparison, expenditure on daytime general practice services - only one component of primary care funding - amounted to £767 million.

Direct pay costs of £70.5 million from Regional Boards and £28.5 million from NHS 24 account for 81% of the total service costs. Direct non-pay costs were 13% with allocated (overhead) costs from territorial Boards making up the remaining 6%.

Territorial Board Costs Breakdown

Medical costs of £46.8 million are two thirds of the pay costs incurred by territorial Boards, as shown in the chart below. Medical costs can be further broken down into salaried GPs of £12.5 million (27%), sessional GPs of £30.6 million (65%) and GP locum/agency costs of £3.8 million (8%).

Territorial Board Costs Breakdown

The 6% annual rise in costs incurred by Boards has been spread over all the main pay areas, with exception of support services, which saw a 1% inflationary rise. Between 2012/13 and 2013/14 there was also a 3.9% cost increase across Scotland. When analysing medical pay in more detail, GP locum/agency costs (£3.8 million) have increased by 15% from the previous financial year, following on from a substantial 180% increase between 2012/13 and 2013/14.

NHS 24 Costs Breakdown

The NHS 24 Service is predominately based on Trained Nurse staffing costs of £15.2 million, call handler, physiotherapy and pharmacy staffing costs of £12.0 million and non-pay technology and infrastructure costs amounting to £11.9 million.


Email: Diane Campion

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