
Everyone Matters 2020 workforce vision: implementation plan 2016-2017

Everyone Matters is the workforce strategy for NHSScotland. This is the third implementation plan for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others to achieve the 2020 Workforce Vision.

Appendix 1: Actions continuing from 2015-16

The tables below show the actions continuing from 2015-16.

Actions for Scottish Government and others



Healthy organisational culture

Provide organisational development support and tools to NHSScotland Boards

Sustainable workforce

Develop an integrated workforce planning approach across the wider workforce with other partners

Capable workforce

Provide ongoing investment in developing Quality Improvement capability across the workforce to meet the growing demand for these skills

Workforce to deliver integrated services

Develop a shared approach to Quality Improvement and skills development across health and social care

Effective leadership and management

Support the delivery of work on the five leadership and management priorities

Actions for Boards



Healthy organisational culture

Promote and recognise the behaviours of individuals and teams at all levels which reflect our values

Capable workforce

Ensure that everyone has a meaningful conversation about their performance, their development and career aspirations

Develop the skills and behaviours required for working collaboratively and flexibly across primary and secondary care, and across health and social care

Effective leadership and management

Build leadership skills to lead/drive Quality Improvement

Ensure leaders at all levels and in all professions have the skills to support the workforce through change.


Email: Kerry Chalmers

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