
Civil justice statistics in Scotland: 2014-2015

The 2014-15 Civil Justice in Scotland release includes: 1. MAIN STATISTICS TABLES (compromising tables that appear in this bulletin) 2. DIVORCE & DISSOLUTION STATISTICS TABLES (further breakdowns on divorce & dissolution) 3. SUPPLEMENTARY STATISTICS TABLES (additional statistics on civil law cases in sheriff courts and the Court of Session) 4. BACKGROUND DATA TABLES (an interactive dataset on civil law court cases by court, that can be used to generate user customised tables and charts)

Table 17: Damages cases initiated and disposed of1 in the civil courts, by case type, 2008-09 to 2014-15

Cases Procedure 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 % change
since 2013-14
Initiated Court of Session2 337 527 299 304 357 369 286 -22
Sheriff: ordinary cause 738 791 630 491 496 447 400 -11
Sheriff: commercial 38 54 163 37 34 51 46 -10
Sheriff: summary cause 434 561 453 488 382 441 271 -39
Sheriff: small claim 3,080 2,918 2,586 2,364 2,009 1,887 1,348 -29
Total initiated 4,627 4,851 4,131 3,684 3,278 3,195 2,351 -26
Disposed Court of Session2 206 198 292 291 298 359 355 -1
Sheriff: ordinary cause 1,415 666 595 675 623 435 304 -30
Sheriff: commercial 29 26 18 30 8 16 24 50
Sheriff: summary cause 410 450 457 452 383 340 287 -16
Sheriff: small claim 2,409 2,710 2,397 2,149 1,982 1,758 1,380 -22
Total disposed 4,469 4,050 3,759 3,597 3,294 2,908 2,350 -19

1. Figures for initiations and disposals do not necessarily refer to the same cases.
2. Includes ordinary and commercial cases.


Email: Eddie Chan

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