
Scottish Health Survey 2016 - volume 1: main report

Statistics relating to the health of people living in Scotland.

Table 4.5 Summary of adult eating habits, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016

Aged 16 and over 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016
Food type and frequency 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

% % % % %
Eats oily fish once a week or more 23 24 25 23 32
Eats white fish once a week or more 50 51 52 48 51
Eats tuna fish once a week or more 27 29 29 25 25
Eats red meata 2+ times a week 64 63 59 61 64
Eats meat productsb 2+ times a week 39 34 36 37 42
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 70 73 71 71 70
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 28 26 28 27 31
Biscuits once a day or more 36 35 33 35 30
Cakes 2+ times a week 36 36 36 36 31
Ice-cream once a week or more 29 24 28 33 30
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 26 29 28 30 23
Crisps once a day or more 19 17 18 23 18
Eats chips 2+ times a week 36 35 36 37 37
Eats potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 55 53 52 51 49
Eats at least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 42 41 43 43 42
Eats high fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 29 24 31 30 29
Eats oily fish once a week or more 26 24 26 27 32
Eats white fish once a week or more 52 49 50 48 48
Eats tuna fish once a week or more 33 32 32 30 31
Eats red meata 2+ times a week 59 53 53 51 51
Eats meat productsb 2+ times a week 18 17 21 20 23
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 77 77 77 77 73
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 28 24 29 26 26
Biscuits once a day or more 33 28 32 27 25
Cakes 2+ times a week 33 36 33 32 32
Ice-cream once a week or more 28 24 25 26 24
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 21 23 22 24 17
Crisps once a day or more 16 14 16 19 15
Eats chips 2+ times a week 26 24 26 25 26
Eats potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 54 53 51 52 51
Eats at least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 42 43 40 37 34
Eats high fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 31 28 33 30 26
Table 4.5 - Continued
Aged 16 and over 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016
Food type and frequency 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

% % % % %
All adults
Eats oily fish once a week or more 25 24 26 25 32
Eats white fish once a week or more 51 50 51 48 49
Eats tuna fish once a week or more 30 30 30 28 28
Eats red meata 2+ times a week 61 58 56 56 57
Eats meat productsb 2+ times a week 28 25 28 28 32
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 74 75 74 74 72
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 28 25 29 27 28
Biscuits once a day or more 34 31 32 31 28
Cakes 2+ times a week 34 36 35 34 32
Ice-cream once a week or more 28 24 26 29 27
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 23 26 25 27 20
Crisps once a day or more 17 15 17 21 17
Eats chips 2+ times a week 31 29 31 31 31
Eats potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 55 53 51 51 50
Eats at least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 42 42 41 40 38
Eats high fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 30 26 32 30 28
Bases (weighted):
Men 1086 1142 1252 999 1057
Women 1188 1242 1359 1081 1143
All adults 2274 2384 2611 2080 2200
Bases (unweighted):
Men 986 1013 1151 925 985
Women 1286 1371 1459 1155 1216
All adults 2272 2384 2610 2080 2201

a for example beef, lamb or pork
b for example sausages, meat pies, bridies, corned beef or burgers

Table 4.6 Summary of child eating habits, 2015/2016 combined
Aged 2-15 2015/2016 combined
Food type and frequency 2015/2016

Eats oily fish once a week or more 16
Eats white fish once a week or more 52
Eats tuna fish once a week or more 25
Eats red meata 2+ times a week 56
Eats meat productsb 2+ times a week 47
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 55
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 51
Biscuits once a day or more 34
Cakes 2+ times a week 33
Ice-cream once a week or more 47
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 35
Crisps once a day or more 34
Eats chips 2+ times a week 43
Eats potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 49
Eats at least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 35
Eats high fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 30
Eats oily fish once a week or more 17
Eats white fish once a week or more 51
Eats tuna fish once a week or more 29
Eats red meata 2+ times a week 58
Eats meat productsb 2+ times a week 36
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 60
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 51
Biscuits once a day or more 30
Cakes 2+ times a week 33
Ice-cream once a week or more 49
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 34
Crisps once a day or more 32
Eats chips 2+ times a week 42
Eats potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 50
Eats at least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 29
Eats high fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 27
Table 4.6 - Continued
Aged 2-15 2015/2016 combined
Food type and frequency 2015/2016

All children
Eats oily fish once a week or more 16
Eats white fish once a week or more 51
Eats tuna fish once a week or more 27
Eats red meata 2+ times a week 57
Eats meat productsb 2+ times a week 42
Drinks skimmed / semi-skimmed milk 58
Sweets or chocolates once a day or more 51
Biscuits once a day or more 32
Cakes 2+ times a week 33
Ice-cream once a week or more 48
Non-diet soft drinks once a day or more 35
Crisps once a day or more 33
Eats chips 2+ times a week 42
Eats potatoes, pasta, rice 5+ times a week 50
Eats at least 2-3 slices of high fibre bread a day 32
Eats high fibre / low sugar cereal at least 5-6 times a week 29
Bases (weighted):
Boys 1319
Girls 1312
All children 2631
Bases (unweighted):
Boys 1300
Girls 1292
All children 2592

a for example beef, lamb or pork
b for example sausages, meat pies, bridies, corned beef or burgers


Email: Julie Landsberg, Julie Landsberg

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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