
Health and Social Care: medium term financial framework

This Framework supports the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan and sets out in more detail the potential approach and type of initiatives required to ensure continued delivery of a financially balanced and sustainable Health and Social Care system.


1 For NHS Costs Book see: and for Local Financial Returns see: /publications/scottish-local-government-financial-statistics-2016-17/pages/9/

2 Scottish Government, Scotland’s Place in Europe: People, Jobs and Investment

3 UK Government, UK Government’s 5-year NHS funding plan

4 Scottish Government, Health and Social Care Delivery Plan, December 2016.

5 Scottish Government, Total Departmental Expenditure Limit, Draft Budget 2016/17

6 Recognising that historical expenditure trends cannot fully capture the impact of wage increases or future policy changes.

7 Mental health, maternity and elderly care includes elements of both hospital and community service provision.

8 Part of this growth can also be explained by increases in resources which are allocated to Integration Authorities to fund services provided by Local Authorities for services related to care of the elderly, Learning Disabilities and mental health and to facilitate discharge from hospitals. Total NHS Scotland expenditure on these resources was £689 million in 2016/17.

9 It should be noted that unmet need has not been quantified in any of the categories in the Figure 4 graph.

10 Care at home costs is for people aged 65+.

11 In terms of the GDP deflator, it is recognised that short term price pressures will also be influenced by changes in pay policy, most notably the recent lifting of the public sector pay cap.

12 Letter to Health and Sport Committee - February 2017

13 Mental health expenditure is incorporated in both the hospital and community service expenditure lines, but is presented separately in the charts on the next page for clarity of presentation.

14 A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland. 2016.

15 Five Year Forward View. Health Select Committee Briefing on technical modelling and scenarios. May 2016.

16 Presumed real terms (GDP) uplift to health and social care funding.


Health Finance Team:

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