
LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group: report to the Scottish Ministers

Group's recommendations to the Scottish Ministers.


1 LGBT Youth Scotland – Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People (2018); Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) – Attitudes Towards LGBT in Scottish Education (2016); and, Stonewall Scotland – School Report (2017).

2 There is a separate body of work currently being conducted regarding the development of a new RSHP teaching resource by the TASC (Scotland) Agency, but this would complement the inclusion of thematic outcomes within Conduct of RSHP Guidance.

3 maintaining an awareness of emergent understandings of prejudice and discrimination against people with variations of sex characteristics/intersex bodies and how this may manifest in school environments. There is currently little understanding of how this materialises in schools; what prejudice and bullying might look like, what form it takes and how it is tackled.

4 The success criteria should be agreed with the LGBTI Inclusive Education Working Group.

5 Experiences and Outcomes (E’s and O’s) that sit within ‘Health and Wellbeing (HWB) Responsibility of All’ span across all four levels to recognise the nature of development and learning in HWB. For many learners, progression in HWB is neither linear nor coherent. Life circumstances can change so quickly with a subsequent impact on mental‎, emotional, social and physical wellbeing that it does not make sense to assign levels in this aspect of HWB. However, the E’ and O’s should be regularly revisited through a wide range of relevant and realistic learning experiences to ensure that every child and young person is progressing in their development and learning. Children and young people should self-report on their progress using the wellbeing indicators. This should then open up a conversation with a key adult who knows the child really well.

6 Currently, this is predominantly provided by LGBT Youth Scotland.

7 Existing ITE providers are Royal Conservatoire of Scotland; University of Aberdeen – School of Education; University of Dundee, School of Education and Social Work; University of Edinburgh, Moray House School of Education; University of Glasgow; University of the Highlands and Islands; University of Stirling; University of Strathclyde – School of Education; and, University of the West of Scotland – School of Education. Two additional universities, Edinburgh Napier University and Queen Margaret University, will be offering ITE courses as of August 2019.

8 SCEL’s rigorous endorsement process is designed to deliver this coherence and structure, and incorporates The Framework for Educational Leadership, the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) Standards and other national areas of focus including, the Model of Professional Learning, the National Implementation Framework, the Scottish Attainment Challenge and ‘Improving Schools in Scotland report’ (OECD, 2015). A programme that has been endorsed by SCEL has demonstrated that it is informed by the Model of Professional Learning and links effectively to relevant GTCS Professional Standards. This gives those who commission programmes comfort that they are purchasing and engaging with high-quality experiences for participants which have a long-term positive impact on leadership development.

9 This can be adapted from existing resources including the ‘Toolkit for Teachers: Dealing with Homophobia and Homophobic Bullying in Scottish Schools’ (2009) published by Learning Teaching Scotland, produced by LGBT Youth Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government.

10 Case studies should be presented using a range of formats, including written and visual.

11 The Recording and Monitoring of Bullying Incidents in Schools Working Group will oversee this process.

12 Definition from Stonewall Scotland’s Glossary of Terms (, August 2018)


Email: Stuart Downes

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