
Respite care data

Data and information relating to respite care.

Short Breaks (Respite)


Data returns for the 2015 Short Breaks (Respite) survey are to be made using the spreadsheet template, with the guidance being unchanged from 2014.  The option to return individual-level data through ScotXed is no longer available.

The 2015 Short Breaks (Respite) survey will be the last time that respite care data is collected in this way. The introduction of Self-Directed Support makes it more difficult for local authorities to record all respite care provided, meaning that the number of respite weeks gathered in the survey may not reflect the support provided to carers.

We have reviewed the collection of this data through discussions with Local Authorities and National Carers Organisations, and it has been agreed that future publications will no longer report on a count of respite weeks, but will aim to look at support for carers more generally.

Please see presentation below to the Health and Social Care Benchmarking Network in May 2015 for further explanation of the issues involved.


This year, there are two ways to return the Short Breaks (Respite) survey. In either case, the survey should be returned to the Scottish Government by 31st July 2014. You can either:

1) Return as previously using spreadsheet template; or

2) Return through ScotXed as part of the Social Care Survey

If most of your Respite is available at individual level then you may wish to submit this data through the ScotXed system, as this will provide you with a summary of your data in a format that can be easily added to any other aggregate Respite returns, in order to provide a ‘spreadsheet return’.

Please let the Scottish Government know which method you plan to use.

Revised guidance and a blank version of the spreadsheet template are available for the 2013-2014 Short Breaks (Respite) survey below. Each Local Authority will directly receive an individual version of this spreadsheet.


In 2013 respondents were given a choice of methods by which to return the Short Breaks (Respite) survey, both of which were required by the end of July. Respondents could either

1) Return as previously using spreadsheet template; or

2) Return through ScotXed as part of the Social Care Survey

New guidance and a Q&A document were issued for the 2012-2013 Short Breaks (Respite) survey (below).


The respite care survey should be returned to the Scottish Government by 27 th July 2012. Respite figures should be consistent with those provided in 2010-11.


The respite care survey should be returned to the Scottish Government by 29 th July 2011. Respite figures should be consistent with those provided in 2009-10.


For 2009-10, respite care is being collected for the first time by the Scottish Government. Local Authorities should complete the 2009-10 return using the same definitions for respite which they adopted for the 2008-09(new) figures which were published by the Scottish Government on the 23rd February 2010. This is to ensure that figures are comparable over time.

Prior to 2010

Prior to 2010, respite care was collected and published by Audit Scotland as one of its Statutory Performance Indicators. Further information can be found at:


Respite Care 2011-12: blank data return form
Short Breaks (Respite) 2013-14: blank spreadsheet template
Short Breaks (Respite) 2012-13: guidance
Short breaks (respite) 2013-14: guidance
Future of short breaks (respite): survey presentation
Short break (respite): Q&A


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